The Grundys' finances

Gosh, a late start today, but I didn’t expect 24 posts on this thread, that’s impressive!

Thanks for the comments on the food, I did haver about it. I had it as £800 then £600 then £400. I was checking forums and I thought maybe the Grundys would manage with less than average since they live on farm. But we don’t hear that they grow anything, do we? Do they have any other sources of cheap food? Anyhow, I’ve changed it to £600 per 4 weeks. Is that enough? Five adults, plus Keira and Georgie part-time and the bed and breakfast food.

Any other suggestions? There are some pretty wild guesses made by me in the spreadsheet. One example is Ed’s loan - is £400 too high? Here’s the link to it again, now that this thread has got so nice and long.
Grundys’ Finances

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Emma should be getting Child benefit, at least for Keira. (That’s about £700 per year)

I assume Will is paid less than £50K a year, so either he or Nic will already be claiming for George.

Then some sort of contingency reserve, to pay for vet’s bills, animal feed, vehicle repairs, additional domestic bills. Maybe £3k-4K a year put aside for that.


They’re renting 50 acres so will be receiving a subsidy, tho how much I’ve no idea.

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OK, I’ve added those and put their rent up! It was supposed to be below market value. Is £1,200 per calendar month still that?

I think Emma as principle carer and mother of George will be claiming child benefit for both him and Keira; I can’t see why she would have made that over to Will, especially not when she first started to claim it and they were still together. It always used to go to the mother automatically unless it was specially arranged for it to go somewhere else.

£20.70 per week for George, £13.70 per week for Keira. (And Nic will be getting £20.70 per week for Jake, £13.70 per week for Mia.)

You only get £20.70 for one eldest sibling, so Will wouldn’t get it for George and Jake.


“Put aside”? By the Grundys? You’re ‘avin’ a giraffe.


Well before the Grundy’s turned it into a tip. It was a furnished house. Add to that the land… £1.2K seems quite reasonable.


Ah yes, the land.

Ed is already paying Oliver rent for that, isn’t he; it was not part of the rental for the house. That ought to be in the outgoings somewhere. Probably a minimal/nominal amount; he was paying ninety-five pounds an acre the 50 acres from BL, and Oliver wouldn’t have been charging him that much. Call it forty quid an acre, fifty acres Oliver had at Grange Farm, that’s two thousand quid a year.


Bloimey, you’ve just snatched back the child benefit! They’re getting poorer by the minute!

I’ll keep putting the link in as the thread is long: Grundys’ Finances


More than a thousand pounds a week surplus? I don’t think Ed will be needing to lick out the margarine tub any time soon.

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Council Tax must be £2k.

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Thanks, Marjorie, I’ve put in the council tax now. What about water. And Hedgers mentioned cable TV. Do they have it, do we know? What would it cost?

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Remember to add in the cost of emptying the poo tank. We discussed it thoroughly during the B+B loo roll episode. 130 pa?

The Grundys wouldn’t pay, they’d borrow a slurry tanker and spread it on their own land. I imagine water would he £500?

If the septic tank has a decent soakaway then it wouldn’t need emptying annually anyway.

The smell from doing that would be roughly the equivalent to the smell emitted by Joe, whom I imagine puts little on the water bill.

Yes, a bit worse than slurry but disappears fairly quickly. Just remember to close the windows!

And also remember not to work in dairies without thoroughly washing your hands.:grin::sob::mask:


It is ridiculous that people are feeling guilty - or in Ruth’s case, guil’y - at Clarry being reminded of her role in the poisoning. It might be in the best Ambridge tradition of ‘It’s not your fault / you mustn’t blame yourself’ but she’s not even an Archer. Just a very unhygienic and none-too-bright peasant.


Far too many of these damnable peasants in Ambridge. They’re given themselves airs and graces and the place, a bad name.

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What about insurance?
They must have some kind of insurance… Public Liability or somesuch, to cover the B&B.
What would that be? About £100 a month…
Then of course there is ‘Professional Services’ - somebody to prepare the accounts and VAT.

Let’s not forget paying tax and of course NI contributions.