Daily Mail Weekend Magazine Archers Update Nov 26-Dec 1

Heavily embossed invitations thud through people’s letterboxes as Justin and Lilian’s wedding looms. Elizabeth toils away bedecking Lower Loxley for the event but finds the bride to be more than elusive.
Lilian Meanwhile is up to all sorts and making an unlikely confidant of Brian, the former philanderer.
The Christmas Geese Wars, a recent but spirited feature of Ambridge life, are getting hot and there’s dissent - and that’s never pleasant - within the pantomime horse.
Pip comes up with more unlikely reasons for her stay at Lower Loxley but Alfie might know what that’s all about.
Freddie meanwhile continues in his determined attempt to lead a life of debauchery but finds the path blocked by an unexpected figure.

Thanks to maggiesaes from the Bowman board