Daily Mail Weekend Magazine Archers Update Oct 13-18

Olive branches are proffered this week as the Grundys prepare to give poor old Joe a good send-off and Ruairi shares some of his inner turmoil with Elizabeth.
The widow Pargetter hopes to say goodbye to some of her own inner turmoil as she goes to a counselling session that we all listen to, while an ill-advised attempt to contact Alf, one of Ambridge’s many ex-cons, threatens everyone’s peace of mind.
Vince Casey adds to the unease as he sniffs around the village, and Peggy gets another visit from the frightful Joy Horville.
Pigman Neil and Hannah have a spat about swine welfare, while Oliver - who has a bit of a spring in his step thanks to Tracy - attempts to pour oil on troubled waters.

Thanks to Maggiesaes of ‘The Archers in Mustardland’