I smell a tie-in…


You don’t say.

They have very convenient drugs in Ambridge: Noluthando, poised on the window-ledge, ready to plummet, collapses into her obligatory coma only when she is safely back in the room…

Do we know how many people in this country have died of Ecstasy?
Government table at https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsrelatedtodrugpoisoningenglandandwalesreferencetable
gives causes of drug-related death between 1993 and 2016.

Deaths of people who had taken only ecstasy:
1993: 9
1994: 10
1995: 10
1996: 8
1997: 8
1998: 10
1999: 6
2000: 10
2001: 26
2002: 24
2003: 29
2004: 24
2005: 33
2006: 27
2007: 28
2008: 15
2009: 13
2010: 5
2011: 7
2012: 13
2013: 28
2014: 25
2015: 24
2016: 32

Deaths of people who had taken only Tramadol:
1993: 0
1994: 0
1995: 0
1996: 0
1997: 1
1998: 3
1999: 13
2000: 14
2001: 14
2002: 17
2003: 23
2004: 21
2005: 26
2006: 42
2007: 26
2008: 29
2009: 45
2010: 54
2011: 64
2012: 67
2013: 85
2014: 97
2015: 75
2016: 69

Deaths of people who had taken only paracetamol:
1993: 186
1994: 166
1995: 156
1996: 161
1997: 208
1998: 185
1999: 151
2000: 123
2001: 142
2002: 124
2003: 121
2004: 127
2005: 127
2006: 131
2007: 90
2008: 108
2009: 125
2010: 98
2011: 89
2012: 97
2013: 123
2014: 103
2015: 112
2016: 117

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Yes, well, they aren’t really comparable, are they? Probably millions of paracetamol being taken every day, versus a few hundred or thousand Es. (I’m completely guessing at the latter; for the former, Around 200m packets of it are sold annually and I’m estimating an average of 12 pills per pack.)

MDMA seems in practice to be entirely safe (in less than megadoses) if competently synthesised, taken in measured doses and accompanied by lots of water. Clearly, if you want to maximise the harm from it, the best thing to do is to have it illegal and push synthesis into the realms of the incompetent and malicious, and remove any possibility of legal recourse against the manufacturer.


Yes. I agree very much.


OTC Paracetamol is sold in packs of 16 tablets/capsules, & you are only allowed to buy 2 packs at a time


You can always go to the next shop/supermarket & buy 2 more,& continue this until you feel that you have sufficient…



…rather than doing the decent thing and pulling Kate down with her.


Not broken down further into, ‘and of those, deaths sustained as a result of falling out of familially significant windows’, I note ;- )


“It’s a cold windy night and I’m off my face on E, I’ll go and get that invisible banner down off the roof…”