Yes…we were ‘unexpectedly’ forecast a thunder storm for 18.00 - after we’d set up our BBQ. So, here we are. The BBQ’d food is ready and there’s no thunder and the useless BBC forecast is trying to pretend it was all a dream. Anyhoo.
Soo xx
Nothing here yet either
Me 'ead is thundering though
Carinthia. xx
All right for you vodka folk
What about us gin lovers?
That’s vodka?
The design looks more like paint stripper (and let’s face it, some vodkas would do a pretty good job…)
You have a Bluddy lake of the stuff
Carinthia. xx
Well, yeah - but there are rather a lot of us…
PS - Thought the name sounded familiar:
It amazes me very slightly that “bum wines” (like MD 20/20) are still made. Nobody would drink them voluntarily (trust me); the people making them must know that their entire output is going to make people’s lives worse. And yet they still do get made.
Probably by evanjellybabies to whom any drink at all is sin and condemns the drinker to eternal fire, so they might as well provide it.
Slight amazement is a useful concept.
Barbecued Little Gem lettuce is very good with barbecued mackerel. My opinion, of course,
I believe you.
Those had somehow passed me by. Having looked, I doubt I will be doing anything to alter this state of affairs. I mean, “Red Grape Wine”? Really?
That’s as opposed to parsnip, Joe.
Vasectomy is better than chemical castration…
Griddled little gem is delicious
Petit pois a la francaise
Rests on laurals
Little Gem is a favourite here too, as it stays fresh for so long
Iceberg lettuce never got house room…
Carinthia. xx
I know: that’s why I believe wor Bee.
You do that, dere: but don’t browse on 'em - hydrocyanic acid often offends.
From my bay tree?
I understand that was the Greek laurel of choice
The bitterness of the leaf cuts through the earthiness of the mackerel, woz wot I meant to convey.
Soo xx
Most laurels are out to get you.