Titchener gets mentions

That from Bunter came out of the blue. There’s a reason. Is he sneaking back under the razor wire ?? For a final hooray ?


He’s going to appear as the Easter bunny, bearing tuna and custard filled eggs. Yummy.:rabbit:

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Memories of Sid terrifying children at the pub when dressed up as the Easter Bunny. I think he took the head off, and they all had hysterics and had to be given extra eggs.

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Purely for humanitarian reasons, I’d like to offer to dress up in a disguise and terrify Rob, should he turn up this Easter.

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Unlike the majority of their parents, the children of Ambridge aren’t entirely stupid, then…


He could do with being held to account. The ending was very unsatisfactory. But I’d prefer it if he were arrested for previous offences in the US or extradited to Canada for previous, and jailed there. I will switch off again if he comes back and takes over.

It’s not that I mind drama: I’m looking forward to the return of Home Front next week. It’s had bigamies, murder, accidental fratricide, several other violent accidental deaths, industrial disaster, illegitimacy, someone locked away unjustly in a mental hospital for decades, fraud, imposture, enemy aliens, spies and more. Oh, and there’s a war on, by the way. They do it all without periodically rewriting history and geography, or arbitrary character transplants to suit the plot. And I can tell who’s who from their voices.


I’ve heard good things about Home Front but never got round to listening to it somehow.

Yes, I found Rob just disappearing like that with no known consequences very disappointing. Also, Helen suddenly and miraculously being able to take the wind out of his sails by mentioning the magic word ‘culvert’, that was completely farcical and reminded me of Jeeves finding out that the word to control Sir Roderick Spode was ‘Eulalie’. Then, no one criticising Helen for not bothering to call the police but languidly ‘permitting’ Tom to do so, that made me spit rather. All very unsatisfactory.

Welcome, by the way!


Yes, or Mad Margaret in Ruddigore being controlled by “Basingstoke” - a word “full of hidden meaning” according to the libretto. Which I didn’t get at all until a wordplay-mad friend explained that a modern equivalent would be Scunthorpe. ('sin" was enough to set the Victorians off.)

Home Front is permanently available for download. The Omnibus version is best. Something for a long spell being ill.


I think your friend might have got a little overinvested in the idea. Basingstoke is just a ‘calming’ word for MM. A deeply unexciting place. Not the Scunthorpe thing at all. Let’s face it, how credible is it that ‘sin’ is a word that would need to be hidden?

Oooh I did love Ruddigore when I was an impressionable wee dot (Dad had the ‘books’ for all the G&S. Princess Ida was my favourite, and I carefully missed every single point.)

Where are my manners? Hello and welcome.

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Is this a known fact or just speculation?

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This is what it actually says in Ruddigore:

'I sometimes think that if we could hit upon some word for you to use whenever I am about to relapse**—some word that teems with hidden meaning—like “Basingstoke”—**it might recall me to my saner self. For, after all, I am only Mad Margaret! Daft Meg! Poor Meg"

Many theories about “teeming with hidden meaning” possible I suppose. Perhaps TA could do with some hidden depth too.

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And this is what it says in The Mikado.
As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,
I’ve got a little list — I’ve got a little list
Of society offenders who might well be underground,
And who never would be missed — who never would be missed!
Now underground is real hidden depths. I’ve been to Basingstoke. I wouldn’t go again… More hidden shallows than depths.


Oh yes. Perhaps we should have a G&S and TA thread. I could certainly suggest a few Ambridge names for The List.

Old Basingstoke was a pretty enough place. Still is, when you find it amidst the rest.


And, equally applicable to the “Basingstoke Question”:

The task of filling up the blanks I’d rather leave to you.

Incidentally, it occurs to me that you’re both new and I didn’t notice either of your arrivals - most remiss of me! Welcome, and please accept a from all of us!


PS - a harpist, I take it FTC? We should have a look at K299… :slight_smile:

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I’ve only got lever harps. I was looking at a nice single action Austrian harp that would do it the other week but … I have a suitable flute though!

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I always find single action gives you a lighter trigger pull and better accuracy, even if you do have to re-cock for a second shot.

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I like a nice 12-bore double-barrel. You don’t have to worry about a second shot.

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Me? New? I’ve been about for ages… I’m pretty sure I Used2B somebody else on Sue’s and Peet’s

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New here, I meant - I didn’t want you thinking we weren’t welcoming! I can be terribly unobservant when it comes to looking at thread titles and posters’ names.