Was that supposed to be funny?

And how likely is it that Jennifer would be wandering about on the phone to her mother, or be so shocked at the idea of someone not having his trousers on?


I’d have thought it would have made her feel nostalgic


Poor dear, what trauma she must have suffered in her life. Which I suppose is exactly the same as wot joe said.

In answer to the original question, yes, I think it was. ‘Supposed to be’, for the avoidance of doubt - not ‘was’.


I did smile slightly. I don’t mind a bit of slapstick, though I can’t imagine Jennifer actually departing at a run, most undignified, and in front of the help, too! Lexi’s laughter was quite natural sounding, I thought, and if anyone thinks otherwise, just bear in mind that everything is relative and compare it with Ruth’s prolonged cackling while telling David about Bert’s April Fool’s joke on Toby. Aha, is it the dreadfulness coming back to you? Sorry about that!

This week’s writer doesn’t quite have the ear for writing in the voice of well-established characters, does she?


The actor was probably on the way to the bank.


Rather disappointed. The one-liners flagged tonight’s dose as ‘Jennifer hears more than she bargained for’ and I was hoping that she would overhear enough to realise that her granddaughter was happy to be a notch on Grubby Constantin’s bedpost.

Mind you, were she to stop and think, it might occur to her that shagging pickers or their close equivalent might well be genetic. oooh, nature vs opportunity, anyone?


They must be paying them a lot more than we are given to understand. Anyone else have nightmares over Ruth’s laughter in that scene?

On another subject, I can’t believe Peggy would be unable to put the collar on Hilda. She’s supposed to be the only one Hilda likes. Nor can I believe she wouldn’t have thought of a collar but needed a vet to suggest it. She’s had cats before. I hope Alistair charges her the maximum allowed.


Haha, good point, Gus. Joe made a similar one upthread.

I was also disappointed because I thought it was going to be Jennifer overhearing Roy and Lexi making fun of her ‘you lot’ remarks to Lexi and her affected pronunciation of Buda-pesht and insisting on saying ‘Danube’ in - was it Hungarian? - to show off. It would be nice if she had got it wrong.


I was hoping that Roy would recognise one of the many discarded pairs of smalls in Constantin’s room. He did, eventually, cotton on to the possibility.