Who Splatted Matt?

All right, they want us to treat it as a murder mystery, I’ll treat it as a murder mystery.

Justin: too obvious.
Shula: too obvious to a seasoned mystery reader, but maybe they think they’re trying to be subtle? My front runner for the moment.
Adam: outsider but might come through at the last fence.


A total stranger (stock issue shadowy underworld figure): 2/1

I simply do not expect them to play remotely fair with this. PS: definitely not Shula.


Yes; I would put my money on some shadowy villain who knew and objected to Matt.

Justin might be a double bluff on their part, I suppose.


Yep. Not being helpful I’m afraid but this is a gangster hit on someone who’s tried to rip them off. We’ll be lucky if we’ve ever heard of them.


Converts adjustable Halo to an Eyeshade

Finds scruffy bit of pencil to go behind right ear

Lights ====#~~

Empties Scotch into a glass

Looks around for the next bottle…


Carinthia. xx


That would be my hope but it’s a faint one. The fact that Justin has turned against Lilian leads me to believe they will after all get married. It’s such a plot cliché, the Wronged, Misjudged Woman who then forgives the man for doubting her that I believe they actually will go for that.

[quote=“Fanta, post:3, topic:762, full:true”]I would put my money on some shadowy villain who knew and objected to Matt.[/quote]That’s my fear, that or a random drunk driver. In either case that would be a very dull ending. Hope Mr Kennair-Jones has something better than that in store for us.


Tisn’t him any more; he has moved on.


He’s still on the credits list, though. The ‘Who Splatted Matt Crawford’ is his swan song, isn’t it? Better be good, is all I can say. (OK, not literally all, obviously.)


Maybe, but his emphasising - twice - that the Dour House is his was rather revealing, I thought; she’ll be back drowning her sorrows in Brian’s wine cellar before the week is out. And what of that panicked rush to phone Latif before the police spoke to either of them? Making sure they got their story straight? Were they and Melling in it together? Lets face it, nothing we’ve heard of Idiot’s business methods account for the sort of money he’s supposed to have made; is Damara a front for money laundering?

Nor do we yet know whether Matt made it to his flight; an hour’s start isn’t much when he has to get to the airport then go through security - too many points at which he could be apprehended. Even if he made it through Birmingham, all the flights I can find to Quito involve changing in either Amsterdam or Paris - easy enough to have him stopped there, I’d have thought? (And even if it isn’t, reality has never bothered the SWs before…)

So there’s still time for Matt to be brought back to be questioned - and for Idiot to be revealed as the real crook.

One other thing: if Idiot has bought the Dour House, and Lilian’s the sole beneficiary of the trust, Matt must effectively have paid her back considerably more than he could have taken from their accounts.


[quote=“joe, post:9, topic:762, full:true”]And what of that panicked rush to phone Latif before the police spoke to either of them? Making sure they got their story straight? Were they and Melling in it together? Lets face it, nothing we’ve heard of Idiot’s business methods account for the sort of money he’s supposed to have made; is Damara a front for money laundering?

Oh, I like that idea, Joe!

[quote=“joe, post:9, topic:762, full:true”]Nor do we yet know whether Matt made it to his flight; an hour’s start isn’t much when he has to get to the airport then go through security - too many points at which he could be apprehended. Even if he made it through Birmingham, all the flights I can find to Quito involve changing in either Amsterdam or Paris - easy enough to have him stopped there, I’d have thought? (And even if it isn’t, reality has never bothered the SWs before…)

So there’s still time for Matt to be brought back to be questioned - and for Idiot to be revealed as the real crook.[/quote]
If I were Matt, I’d have gone to Heathrow. It’s not that much further and so many more options. I doubt the police would have had the resources or interest to respond quickly enough to stop him. They weren’t too bothered about Rob after all, were they?

[quote=“joe, post:9, topic:762, full:true”]One other thing: if Idiot has bought the Dour House, and Lilian’s the sole beneficiary of the trust, Matt must effectively have paid her back considerably more than he could have taken from their accounts.
Yup, I’m not going to feel too sorry for Lilian. She never liked living in the Dower House alone and she has the dosh that - thanks to Matt, let’s remember, who extracted above market price from Justin - she has presumably received as the beneficiary of the trust. She ought to tell Justin to get stuffed and let him rattle around in the Dower House by himself and see if he likes it.


I think that Sunday may have been It, JJ: that is when the weeks starts for casting.

I hope that Justin will not want to stay in the Dower House to be reminded every day that he thought Lilian chose Matt over him. It will always be Lilian-and-Matt’s house to him now.


to be an ongoing nuisance in front of the microphones.


I just want to hear that Matt is properly dedded

Hopefully a painful dedding as a result of leaving hospital early


Oh, Twellsy, how could you!


I suppose it takes all sorts to make a world, Twellsy. As he is one of only two characters - three at a pinch - that I could bear to spend more than 30 secs in conversation with, I deplore your taste.

And given half a chance, I would let the leopards have a mad five minutes unloading yer freezers, too. Bah.


Well I just want a nice cosy dedding and Matt is a prime candidate at the moment

Ideally I would have Susan and Emmur crash into the chicken factory


Ruth and Pip are at the top of my list for a dedding. Lily can run them over. And I want Justin to be found guilty of some kind of fraud and go to prison. I want Pat and Tony to get fed up with propping up Helen.

But I would rather keep Matt so he can wind up characters I don’t like or at any rate could do with someone poking a stick at them to deflate their smugness.


Justin is the prime candidate, unless he can be sent to prison for attempted murder, or fraud, which would also be good.


At the quiz Roy comments to Lexi that Ian’s bad mood at work could be down to Adam being questioned by the police.

Ian thought he’d got Adam properly dobbed in, but the pigs let him go again…