Credits May 22-26

Writer …… Adrian Flynn
Director …… Kim Greengrass
Editor …… Jeremy Howe
Alice Carter …… Hollie Chapman
Alistair Lloyd …… Michael Lumsden
Brian Aldridge …… Charles Collingwood
Chris Carter …… Wilf Scolding
Fallon Rogers …… Joanna Van Kampen
Jakob Hakansson …… Paul Venables
Jazzer McCreary …… Ryan Kelly
Justin Elliott …… Simon Williams
Lilian Bellamy …… Sunny Ormonde
Lily Pargetter …… Katie Redford
Neil Carter …… Brian Hewlett
Shula Hebden Lloyd …… Judy Bennett
Stella Pryor …… Lucy Speed
Tracy Horrobin …… Susie Riddell
Denise …… Clare Perkins
Fern …… Joanna Gay


There was a Denise last August-September (the vet nurse), and another in December (Susan’s “attendant” in the AmDrammery). Fern appears to be new.