Daily Mail Weekend Magazine Archers Update August 7-12

It can be tough in the field witnessing Tracy Horrobin giving her gallant but ageing cricket team a piece of her mind. Captain Bligh has always been Tracy’s model when it comes to leadership skills, and recent troubles have done nothing to soften her. Mutinous mutterings are heard in the outfield and key players talk of jumping ship.
While Tracy looks in danger of losing some of her crew, La Snell is casting around the village seeking able-bodied volunteers for a new wheeze she has for the summer fete.
Meanwhile, over at Bridge Farm, where everyone’s stretched to the limit, the news that Natasha’s mother Caitlin may have to head back to Wales draws mixed reactions.

Thanks to LadySusan of The Ambridge Reporter


I’d thought it was more along the lines of Diamond Lil.

“You know, suddenly cricket doesn’t seem such a bad idea.”