Daily Mail Weekend Magazine Archers Update Feb 23-28

Another troubling week of poor Jim as the traumas of his childhood haunt him, and the silence from one of his fellow sufferers continues.Alistair and Jazzer go into their double act to support and cheer him, but worry that the Professor’s past will over shadow the rest of his life.
Kate - and this is very unusual for the bossy former wild child of Ambridge - worries about the ordeal she has put Jakob through, but tries to put this to one side as she prepares for Xander’s naming ceremony.
Meanwhile, Tracy makes a decision, Johnny makes Freddie an offer, the calving problem continues at Brookfield, and Lynda worries about the future.

Thanks to Maggiesaes of ‘The Archers in Mustardland’


Christ on a bike. ENOUGH!

It is to spew.


Krate? Worries? - in the same sentence? @JustJanie, I think you might need to check the settings on your computer, dere! Looks like something gone awry with the “text prediction algorithm” (…or sumthin’ or nuffin’!)


Yes, that really is the most sensational part, isn’t it? Kate worrying about someone other than herself, Kate actually wondering if she behaved badly - unheard of! In fact, I bet it turns out to be an exaggeration. After all, considering how she is behaving right now, apparently shunning Jakob, she’s causing him even more distress and worry.