Daily Mail Weekend Magazine Archers Update Feb 25-Mar 2

Hooray! The milking parlour dilemma is resolved! With that problem out of the way, peace and tranquillity can return to Ambridge - except, of course, for the shock waves caused by the revelations of last week and the dreadful realisation that for one clutch of Ambridgers, life will never be the same again.
Jennifer, left reeling from events, has a moral dilemma - and moral dilemmas, as many of us know do our cost, are not Jennifer’s strong suit.
Neil’s pigs have their own woes as they get wind of the fact that they may soon have a new home, and that home might be a frying pan.
Meanwhile, the inter-Grundy feuds fester, Tony proposes a plan, Rex gets wind of a wheeze and Roy receives frustrating news.

Thanks to Maggiesaes from the The Archers in Mustardland Board


No leg over for Roy for the run up to and during the planned surrogacy. Nothing he’s not used to I’ll bet

A solution to the milkin’ … another big build up story parked. Doubtless Pip gets it largely her own way. As per.

Rex’s wheeze. I know it. Claim an imaginary girlfriend. Say she’s … oh, I don’t know …a Vet or something. See how easily people can be fooled.

… and pigs. Now, I do know that piggies are quite bright animals. Cute and affectionate. But I’ll be fascinated to see how they work out the details of Neil’s plans. Maybe he’s written a crib sheet and they find it and make photocopies.

The Grundy’s go into full feud mode rather than grief & support. I can’t wait to see how Joe & Eddie think of a hilarious money making scam from all this. Maybe “Buy Tumble Tussock Cider” printed on the coffin.


I’m sure Roy and Lexi could find an alternative, and if not, then Adam and Ian could probably advise. It’s been nice not hearing from the tedious Tucker and his doxi for a bit; sounds depressingly likely that the surrogacy bobsense is going ahead, though. Curses.