Sex, as we know, has reared its ugly head over at the cosy ménage à trois that is Greenacres. Nights are broken by the sound of shenanigans, and the morning routine of coffee and crosswords is ruined. Jim has tried to cope with this intrusion into bachelordom, but it’s not been easy for the old buffer. Jazzer confides to Johnny about his current squeeze, but Johnny doesn’t like what he hears.
There’s tension, too, over at Brookfield, where an old bone is chewed over, with David and Ruth making an effort to end the matter once and for all.
Kirsty bustles about with her various displacement activities, trying to avoid facing up to her demons, while Alice is shocked to hear that Chris has discussed he demons with the local constabulary.
Thanks to Maggiesaes of ‘The Archers in Mustardland’