Daily Mail Weekend Magazine Archers Update January 15-20

A charming rover comes skipping over the hills of Borsetshire, across the mighty Am and to the attention of at least one Ambridger, Rex, who’s suddenly in need of a bit of Ambridge hospitality, keeps his eye on this blow-in and does what he can to protect any soft hearts and soft furnishings that might be at risk.
Chelsea is far less protective about Brad, who’s been receiving a flurry of maths-based messages from a possible admirer. Chelsea thinks her brother should take matters to the next level, but Brad is wary.
Meanwhile, Helen and Lee - who head he long list entitled ‘Ambridge’s most unlikely couples’ - find themselves with bigger concerns when Lee gets a worrying phone call.

Thanks to LadySusan of The Ambridge Reporter


“Your kung fu is weak. Meet me under the bridge at midnight to prove your strength, or admit defeat now.”