Daily Mail Weekend magazine Archers update June 4-9

It turns out that Tom is not the only bolter in the Archer brood. Young Freddie - with exams looming - makes makes a run for it putting clear blue water between him and the invigilators.
Justin also puts on a turn of speed running into a trap and giving Lynda leverage. Rex, detained on Lakey Hill by a regretful Pip, puts on a sprint to save a date while Amber, as we all guessed, fails to keep her date with Johnny on the Isle Of Wight.
None of us would have guessed that Matt’s Costa Rica venture was above board but, according to some bloke called Hugo Melling, it’s all fine and dandy,so that’s all right then.
Can the same, Tony broods, be said about Justin’s surprising offer?

Thanks to maggiesaes from Sue’s Mustardland.