Daily Mail Weekend Magazine Archers Update Mar 10-15

Natasha is under the illusion that she has joined a community of everyday countryfolk, but the scales fall from her carefully made-up eyes this week when she gets involved in Alan’s Lenten scheme,and discovers a shocking truth. She has years of shocking truths ahead unless the dark force currently running Ambridge moves on, and we can go back to worrying about milk yields and jam-making.
In fact, another week of emotional turmoil lies ahead as Ambridge prepares for the return of one of its flock of jailbirds, while Susan and Clarrie are put on edge by Bridge Farm events.
Meanwhile, Will, who has surely suffered enough, gets more bad news, Kate is outmanoeuvred, and there is yet another emergency at Brookfield.

Thanks to Maggiesaes from ‘The Archers in Mustardland’


How many times did the new editor have the bell tolled?