New to Discussion Groups, so Hello . I must admit I’m looking forward to hearing Eddie and other reading the Shipping Forecast on New Years Day (does this make me dull or just sad?)
Well, there’s not much money in illegal cider sales and salmonella turkeys. Welcome, if you’re real!
Welcome to the group.
Not sure what the point is of having an old shipping forecast read out by anyone, but to each their own. I shall be interested to see how bad a hash Trevor Harrison makes of it, or, if he does it in character, just how bad Eddie sounds. But then I am one of the weirdos who thinks the shipping forecast more important than a soap opera.
Oh, and someone needs to tell Mohit Bakaya that it is a hundred years too late to say “I’m delighted that we are cracking a bottle against the hull to launch 100 years of the Shipping Forecast on the BBC with a special schedule of programming on New Year’s Day.” That hundred years was launched in 1924.
Are you sure you’re doing it right?
More generally, I never look forward to hearing Eddie’s voice. I might were I promised that he would be choking on his own blood*, but I suspect they’re too pusillanimous to go in for that kind of thing.
Wotcher, btw, Kate88. You don’t half rhyme.
*other fluids/secretions are available
They could at least do it properly:
I think Dinah Shore was a regular contributor to the old BBC boards, wasn’t she?
Sounds vaguely familiar, but then it is the kind of shape of name that would.
S’blurry brilliant, though.
ETA:oh ffs. Well, I suppose ‘Bantams veering westerly’ is as good an excuse as any to change earworm to The Old Superb. Excuses somewhat moot, running the French to earth as I type…