Enough. Time for Paddy Greene to go

I refuse to believe she is being directed to speak as oddly as she does. And since she now seems incapable of normal speech rhythms or of controlling the absurd hooting, I wish they would get rid of Jill. At one stage a theory that she was speaking the way she does because Plot was going to have her dementing held sway, but no signs of things going in that direction.
Gah! She was dreadful tonight.
OK, the lines she was given were pretty stupid, but even so…


…thanks for the heads-up! I was just about to fill a pipe and settle down to listen to the latest scrapings, but now I rather think I’ll go and give my cell-mates a manicure!


You’re a braver man than I am, Sturmey A


Agreed. For some time I’ve thought that she behaves as the grande dame and acts as though we should be grateful for having her. I’m convinced she sits throughout her input … it’s difficult to say why I have that impression, just something about her delivery.

She’s overdeveloped her eccentricities and is either unwilling, or unabled to take directions … if anyone is brave enough to give her any.

I just get an overbearing impression of someone who’s rather pleased with themselves and has a self-awarded sense of being a national treasure.