Even if Matt knew who'd hit him… so what?

It’s not in the recordings, but people have speculated that Matt groaned “you!” after he’d been run over.

So let’s assume he knew it was Nic. So what? Is anyone going to suggest that he arranged Nic’s sepsis from beyond the veil, from which no character returneth?


You are taking altogether too simplistic a view of this compelling, well-crafted and entirely plausible storyline, Hedgers.
Allow me to explain what is going to happen.

Someone - Will, or Ed (or Em: though she doesn’t know yet, it can only be a matter of time) or Joe - is going to blab. Much moral outrage and shunning of Will and desecration of Nic’s resting place ensues, outraged yokelry with pitchforks, usual sort of thing. And Bunter will no doubt decide the village is once again in need of his spiritual elastoplast.

At which point a Matt ex machina will reveal the true identity of the Justin culprit and he will be hauled off in chains just when some dastardly plan or other of his, injurious to Matt’s beloved Pusscat, is about to be concluded.

Maypoles and dancing on the Green, all live happily ever after. Except Nic, obviously. Oh, and Justin


I could live with that.

Very easily.


But what’s the big deal? If he’d died then I understand the guilt but he recovered so Nic dodged the bullet. Naughty but not something to wallow in guilt about.


Oh sure. A secret in soap exists to be spilled.

And it will all have been Will’s fault, of course, because everything is.


I am surprised by how little overt condemnation of Will’s actions I have seen. Clearly having a voice people dislike is a much more heinous offence than interfering with the course of justice and conspiracy to conceal a crime.

The reason that there is a fixation about the “you!” is two-fold: one, people don’t want to admit that the scripties have decided that Nic did it because that is so completely implausible, and two, people definitely don’t want to admit that they might be wrong and it was not spoken by Matt at any point.


You’re right about that. I don’t want to admit I am wrong and deluded…


Easy solution: Nic saw something in the headlights, skidded to a halt, and thought she’d run into Matt, but in fact he was already on the ground from whoever it was who actually ran into him.


I thought that I had heard (male) footsteps walking back to the car, before the door slammed; I was wrong. Admitting to error is not impossible…

It would be grand if you were right about that, Bird, but the bang was very loud… And Will claims to have had to get rid of a dent in the car. (Wot no crumple-zone?)


Easy, that was put into it by a feral child earlier in the day and nobody noticed. (I’ve seen it happen.)


I omitted to state that in my theory, but yes, he was already on the ground and she hit something else, or thought she did. And I am happy with your explanation of the dent.

Now I thought I heard both male footsteps and ‘You!’, so am doubly deluded. Very strange that so many people have similar delusions. I sort of accept I’m wrong, because That Fish is most insistent about it, but my ‘memory’ tells me otherwise.

And the Mooncatting has just gone a bit wrong too, so I think I shall just rock and gibber for a bit in the corner here.