How many days a week does George spend at Greenwood Cottage?

I had thought it was three nights with Will and Nic and four at Grange Farm until Fanta - if I remember correctly - posted elsewhere quite recently that it was only the one at Greenwood. Fanta, can you confirm either (or neither)?

How they find room for him at Greenwood, I have no idea. I suppose George must share with Jake and Mia with Poppy. Do they even have three bedrooms? Of course with bedrooms being so unreliable, you can’t tell from one day to another, can you?


I definitely had the impression that George spent weekend nights - by which I mean Friday and Saturday - at Will’s and one midweek night (Wed?). But I can’t quote anything hard and fast in support except a vague feeling that when I heard it, I thought ‘That’s much what X & Y do with little xy and it seems to be working fine’. If that is the arrangement, it seems reasonable enough to me.

You are of course right that there is no knowing about bedrooms. If they haven’t got three, which seems unlikely in a little keepers cottage, it must be rather difficult to negotiate.


Slightly veering from the original question, I feel a bit sceptical about Nic’s claims that, forget exactly how she put it, either she adores young Georgie or she adores having him to stay. Either way, I should have thought a strapping twelve year-old in addition to her three would have them bursting at the seams.

Also, by the way, how old are Jake and Mia? They have actors credited to them though the, never speak any more and have no birthdays, whereas Keira and George have birthdays, speak in the programme but no actors are credited. That is just weird!


Jake was born in 2004, George in 2005 and Mia in 2006, with little Poppy 2013.

What Nic really means is “There is room in your house for my three children, but not for your one.”

William still has George for the afternoon, evening and night once a week (to coincide with his day off), and for the day and one night at the weekend, as far as I know. Ed has always been absolutely determined that George should not have any more time with his father than was originally arranged, and with Nic’s connivance has made sure he got his way even when Emma would have been quite happy for Will to see more of the child, for instance when Will offered to have him for an extra night while Poppy was a new baby and Emma was exhausted.


Thank you.

Three hulking pre(just about)-pubescents and a reception class brat. Oh what jolly times they must all have.


Two and a half, eleven (Mia), twelve (George) and thirteen (Jake). Yes, quite!

Speaking of children, Henwy, while at the dawn chorus meet, asked Mummy if he could visit George. Yes, I’m sure George was delighted to be pestered by a not vewy bwight six year-old. Wish we’d heard George telling him to bog off.

Oh, and thanks, Fanta.


He’d probably take Georgie out for some Sunday afternoon poaching.

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Who’s the ‘he’ there, Marjorie? I am probably being very thick.
Can’t be Will. Can’t be Henwy because he is even thicker than I am.


Sorry, bingeing on a Netflix! I meant Georgie would take young Henwy out poaching! I’m a crap multi-tasker :yum:


George has probably put up a tent out the back, complete with bunting.


Where he entertains Tilly Button.


Becoming very grubby, no doubt.

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