I rather enjoyed that

Felt like a proper TA episode. For once the humour didn’t feel forced, arising instead from characters simply being themselves. The fact that it featured some of the most experienced actors in the cast had much to do with it.


I agree, and the humour did actually make me laugh. And for why? Because it was one-liners, not a “you are going to laugh or else” situations being set up and set up and set up until you are crying for them to get to the ruddy punch-line, that’s for why.


Peggy and Brian together are good.
‘After … er …’
‘After you ran over my cat, yes.’

(Or words to that effect.)


well ye-es, 'spose, but Bill being run over was not funny and the conversation between Justin and Brian where the squishing of a well-respected cat was a mere detail got up my goat, so it did.
I hope the skin between their toes and under their toenails begins to rot and that they are very sore in their socks and unable to share a bedroom with anyone because of the horrible stench of thier moral turpitude and casual cruelty to cats.
Also that the baldness starts coming on nicely. Crop circles on the head sort of thing.
Sod the pair of them.


The thing that Brian did wrong was not stopping to make sure the cat was dead. Apart from that, what exactly can be expected of him? As anyone who has ever hit an animal in a built-up area knows, there is frod all that you can do to avoid them even if you are well within the speed-limit. The same is true of toddlers running out from between cars: you don’t think that people run them down on purpose, do you?

And why would either of them have cared about the death of an elderly cat whom they did not actually either know at all in Justin’s case, or feel anything for whatever in Brian’s? There are limits to the amount of sackcloth and ashes anyone ought to be expected to wear, particularly about something which was nothing whatever to do with them. The cat was not DiPoW, for total strangers to go into long threnodies about.


Note to self: answering rhetorical questions is rarely a good idea


Discuss, with particular reference to Master Henry Ian Archer


You’d want something with a relatively low-slung chassis, I think, to be sure of doing a proper job.


I was thinking of a thresher, or possibly a steamroller.


Just about to listen to the Omnibus and I thought once more that I am enjoying The Archers at the moment. Pip is a remaining sore point, though I have hopes Josh will do something to upset her smug martyrdom. But the Dopeys pouring praise on her and their anxious solicitude is making me spit.

No, wait, this was supposed to be a positive post! I do really mean that I am enjoying The Archers at the moment. The humour does not have to be scintillating, just something evoking a small smile will do. They try too hard with the comic scenes and do so much better with one-liners.


Surely Josh must explode soon. I certainly would. I hope they get him to do it in a way that makes me empathise with him, rather than a way that makes me feel he is Right but Repulsive.


I’m amazed that he hasn’t already, and even more amazed that the voiceless Ben has not complained.

I agree about hoping that if they ever do, they do it in a sympathisable-with way.

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Oh, I do hope so!

I would love to hear Josh give his parents a few home truths about their partial way of dealing with their offspring. Firstly, why was there a job for Pip yet not for Josh when they said there was no job at all? Secondly, why must Josh and in particular Ben pay the price of Pip’s incompetence and deceitfulness by sharing their room? Thirdly, if I were Josh, I would ask why my entrepreneurial efforts were always met with snideness and slightingly referred to as ‘wheeling and dealing’ when Pip’s every idea is treated as a miracle of originality.

I’d far rather hear that than some childish squabbling between Pip and Josh such as:
Pip: ‘Yeah, well, you broke the fence in the first place.’
Josh: ‘Oh yeah? Well who said she’d fix it in return for me doing her milking shift? And who did the milking and who didn’t fix the fence? And who lied about it?’

Still, I’ll settle for something like that if that’s all that’s on offer.

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Yes, I want him to tell D&R what’s what as well. Here’s hoping.

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To be fair, her approach to keeping the business viable is definitely original.