
is a slimy git. How nasty he was tonight: sucking up to Peggy and Jill, and gloating over Matt’s misfortune. Even if I had liked him before, he certainly didn’t endear himself this evening.

Why was it that he said he was all alone? It’s not like Lilian to miss a meal out with him.


There were lots of hints that he had somehow caused the fiasco, I thought.


It was set up either last week or possibly the week before when we heard him reach for his phone in response to some direct or reported annoyance. The details are hazy, but it was pretty clear that the Shit-hot Big Swinging Cheese Mover & Shaker was out to spike Matt’s guns.

Do you think, by the way, that the SWs/prod team want us to be fantasising about staving in the skulls of three ‘respectable’ elderly females with a cut-glass ashtray (well, a claw-hammer, actually, but the former might have been more readily to hand)?


It’s the only logical explanation


I suspect that makes it less likely, joe, given the completely illogical way that everyone is made to carry on in TA these days.


Thanks. Must have been one of the days I didn’t bother!


Yes, Justin said he’d make Matt regret his interference in the Bridge Farm deal. Though why he would hold a grudge over that since it saved him £100,000, I can’t imagine. Obviously his feelings must have been more hurt when Pat and Helen were mean to him than I had previously thought possible. Or likely.


I do wish that the BTB would make the wretched stories hang together even slightly. That one is a particularly silly example of not-joined-up writing.


Well, you were right; and he even said himself that he ought to thank Matt for saving him a lot of money.

Goodness me, how I do dislike that slimy git. I hope Matt manages to arrange a thorough comeuppance for him.


On the other hand - and probably entirely unintentionally - there was some indication tonight of why he and the much lamented Rob were well suited as colleagues.

Oh please, it’s twice now the spluttering old fool has made reference to ‘playing with the big boys’. Where is the key to the cupboard where we keep the Semi-frozen fish, incompetent SWs for the castigation of? You know, the one next to the rubber chamberpots cache


I loved Matt’s incredulous, “Are you threatening me?” It was the most perfect put-down for a posing idiot that I have heard for years.

Pity we didn’t get the “Yeah yeah yeah, well, sorry, I’ve got some paint I need to watch drying” as Matt left.