Knittery and Stitchery and Stuff

They make elastic with buttonholes in too, Dahlink, so that waists can be adjusted…



Too much! My cup runneth over. Bra extension clearly indicated.

Ooh, I managed to do up my skinny jeans today. This was not possible a few weeks back. Great is the rejoicing. Bending over is still challenging, mind.


Bra extenders available from Fred’s…

My Stepdaughter used to keep a pair of pliers in her bedroom, & lie on the floor with the pliers to pull the zip up!

If you lie on the floor, The Oaf will think it’s a chuffing banquet… :wink::joy:

Seriously though, I am impressed. My step count has, sadly, been much reduced over the last months



Oh, it hasn’t been exercise. I don’t hold with that, not for the sake ovvit… No potatoes. Sometimes less booze.
However, there are four sultana scones beckoning from the kitchen… Pliers it is, then :cry:


I am still considering this, Carinthia.

Soo xx


And… I have wiggled a slider onto the zip, so we are Good To Go.


Well done, Fishy!



Next move: press everything in sight until it flattens in submission.

Then work out how to fit a zip – something I have done before but about which I have always been a tad doubtful…


Leave the old poppers on, Fishy & you have the 2 edges ready finished. Use your zipper foot on the machine, & that will enable you to stitch really close to the edge.

The zip doesn’t have to run the full length of the bottom, & you should have enuff spare to have a test drive on a spare piece of cotton.

If you don’t feel too great, don’t attempt it today. Head down & peering closely isn’t great if you have a cold.



I already removed what was left of them, wiv Fire & the Beak. (To be fair there wasn’t much left; many of them had fallen out already. And the fabric is still viable where they were.)


The gap for the poppers, which is the gap for the zip, is only one metre across the middle of the bottom edge of the two-metre-wide cover. Originally, this IKEA duvet-cover had nothing to close the gap at all, and the result was that the duvet slowly but surely oozed out through that gap during the night – this ought not to have been what happened, but it was! The poppers were an attempt to correct that fault, but they didn’t actually work and they started to come out of the fabric and generally be unsatisfactory, so something to replace them became important.

The poppers didn’t actually make holes in the fabric, they sort of made pinpricks in a circle rather than actual holes.

And now what I have is two hemmed edges which need a zip put into them, and I’m sure I should be able to do that so long as I don’t somehow manage to fit it inside out. I’m just havering, as I always do for doing something new.


Even better then, Dunnock. They can be right bastards to remove… *

*I used to use small fine pliers on the metal ones. The size & finish varied so much that, if 1 popper ‘went’ onnan jacket, I would have to replace the whole set :slightly_frowning_face:



The raised side of the zip is on the outside. Butt the edge of the fabric up to the zip, & pin it. The hollowed-out bit of the zipper foot will enable you to stitch close to the zip, without it bumping.

Stitch the zip closed at 1 end, so that the slider doesn’t run orff!



Oh, now that I have got the slider on (after about three hours) I have sewn up both ends just to be sure!

I have even managed to find some thread that is the right colour, or very nearly, to match the other thread on the garment. Near enough; it’s a duvet cover, not haute couture.

Just havering, and looking in wikihow, and generally messing about until the bread is cooked, at this point. Doing a little bit at a time and coming back to see how the loaf is rising…


Have a look on YouTube. My stepdaughter uses it all the time for getting to grips with her Noo machine, & various techniques which are easier to see done, rather than explain.
Ignore Concealed Zips
They are an different kettle of poissons altogether…



As far as I can tell, in order to do this I will have to have the zip open for the second seam, because there is this duvet cover in the way otherwise! I hope that is going to be acceptable, because otherwise I and the sewing machine will have to get inside the duvet cover, and I suspect it would then become a klein bottle or something.


I told you we should have got the four-dimensional upgrade…


I’m not eligible for a licence…


Yes, Fishy

First side bottom to top, with zip closed
Second side should really be bottom to top too, as it keeps it even. Open the zip to about 4" from the bottom & pin in place.

Piggle it under the machine, & start sewing. It may be easier to take the tray off, as it is easier to Piggle with the free arm.

Once you have got going, you can sew the rest of it with the zip open.

All of this is much easier with the duvet cover at the back of the machine, so that the weight is supported, & you can bring the work through to the machine, without getting in a tangle.



Am I the only one waiting for the report of sewing the zip?