Loathsome little twerp,

Right, what is the petulant little git up to this time? Intentionally or not, he sounded just like a schoolboy disturbed while watching ‘educational’ videos when Tony came to call him down for his tea. Some form of plague-shaming of Brookfield on social meeja?

We are truly spoilt for choice for hate figures, but Tom is definitely in my Desert Island list. Not to take with, you understand; it’s more a case of ‘if you could only hate eight TA characters for the rest of your natural, who would they be?’


I dunno why they made the character so bland when they first replaced Tom Graham but Tom is making up for lost time now! He’s written something about Brookfield on the Bridge Farm blog, hasn’t he?

“I hate Brookfield, they’re all meanie-paninis, wah, wah. They bwoke our cattoo and won’t pay to fix them. And they said mean stuff about our e-coli. Oops, no, strike that last bit.”

Something like that.


Probably something very like that indeed.


I forsee NuPip & NuTom tumbling over Ambridge’s version of the Rickenbacher falls to their combined doom.


“Which eight Archers characters would you take with you to a desert island… and abandon there?”


Should that be a thread in its own right? It certainly deserves it.


The loathsome little twerp was set on stun mode tonight, wasn’t he? Loathsome and sneaky. He knew perfectly well Tony would not approve of the blog, hence hastily shutting the computer when Tony came into the room while he was writing it. And all before any proof the IBR came from Brookfield. Tom didn’t know what we know.


Dahling, Tom willl never know what we know…

Still, thinking of Pip being halibutted from all sides is fitting for Easter, isn’tt it? Compared with the stabbing that we just coudn’t cope with, obvs, being old, sensitive and seniel. Sealion. Somefink.

Give me Thomas the binWabbit and I will make you a lovely terrine

Signed: a vegetarian


Hmm, stabbed with a halibut? (Frozen, of course.)


Charming young feller, that Tom Archer.

Funny how the BFNI suddenly don’t want to waste money on legal fees, innit - a case of ‘be careful what you wish for’, perhaps?

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