Niall Hatch of Birdwatch Ireland described it as a leucistic bird …
(if you’re interested in the full article: Brown Booby)
Rather than post in The Cellar, I thought it might provide some amusement as a new topic in it’s own right - Nominative Determinism, that is, not birds being blown off-course (which would NEVER happen to OUR wee birdie now, would it?)
If we’re taking a detour into street names, a certain film franchise generated a degree of wry amusement in Ipswich; the police station, magistrates court, probation service and registry office were all on Elm Street.
In Bristol there was a lot of enthusiasm for re-naming things for Nelson Mandela, a while ago; the local paper was full of letters with suggestions in them.
It kinda calmed down when I pointed out that the main police station and the magistrates’ court were on Nelson Street.
This was of course before the Independent’s suggestion that Heathrow Airport should be renamed “Princess Diana Airport” – which lost the wind from its sails after a friend of ours wrote a letter to The Independent saying “Yes: a noisy nuisance nobody wants: a perfect name for it.” They printed her letter and shut up.
After she died it was suggested to the Red Cross by hundreds of people, that the symbol should be changed to a red heart, as she was ‘Princess of Hearts’
You couldn’t make it up…
I was quite encouraged, after that, to remember that we have a Deepsick Lane