I have just dead headed my favourite yellow rose that has a gorgeous perfume and nearly needed winter clothing It is NOT in my weather expectations to have a North gale lazily going through me in June
I want my proper June weather back
I have just dead headed my favourite yellow rose that has a gorgeous perfume and nearly needed winter clothing It is NOT in my weather expectations to have a North gale lazily going through me in June
I want my proper June weather back
Yes Twellsy. Today should have been the first TT race day, there is always a northerly gale on at least one day during TT week - there is always good weather leading up to TT and there is always rubbish weather during TT.
It is the Law of the Weather Gods.
Maybe it’s the Ambridge Microclimate, no longer being kept in check by six-days-a-week broadcasts.
Could Radio Carter not take over R4?
After all she can be a radio personality so she could sort out the Met oriface
I dead-headed our yellow rose (Arthur Bell) day before yesterday, and was glad I had because the north wind earlier would have torn the petals off in any case.