One-liners to February 10th

29 Jan Who has been caught red-handed? Tony is put on the spot.
30 Jan Lilian has a rude awakening, and Justin has an idea.
31 Jan There’s confrontation at Willow Cottage, and Chelsea throws down the gauntlet.
01 Feb Tom is getting carried away, and Harrison deals with a delicate situation.
02 Feb There’s an unexpected guest at Ambridge Hall, and has Natasha changed her tune?
03 Feb Someone could be on a final warning, and Adam and Tony bask in their efforts.

05 Feb Kate gets a wake-up call, and Ruairi is feeling side-lined.
06 Feb Freddie needs to manage a tricky conversation, and Alice offers some support.
07 Feb Susan may be a bit quick to judge, and Kate feels she is making a difference.
08 Feb Adam has an important Dad duty, and Stella thinks fast to deal with interference.
09 Feb Alice finds herself in unfamiliar territory, and can David and Elizabeth see eye to eye?
10 Feb Ian worries about how Adam is coping, and Paul has a memorable encounter.