Pip should not get away with this

Why are they planning to pretend that she has not caused the deaths of several cows and illness of many more, as well as breaking Tony’s heart over his precious Anguses?


Ruth, do not forgive her just because you told her the truth! Has she lied to you any less because you told her you don;t trust her any more?


Well done, Pip, you manipulative little madam. You really have learnt at your mother’s knee how to handle your poor dolt of a father and your besotted grandmother.


Again tonight, we were told that Pip was the future of Brookfield.

I think they may be planning a sudden dedding of her, some time this year,

I suppose it might just be wishful thinking.


I have long suggested that her being found dismembered in ditches across a wide swathe of Borsetshire would be a satisfactory means of ridding us of the menace. And to have Toby framed as the perpetrator would be positively joyous.


I think I’ll take the rest of the week off. And maybe next week… And…


So you are on shirk, not actually on strike? Dillettante. Splitter. Blackleg. Down with your sort of thing.

readers of this post are advised that the poster is by no means empty of manure


I’m going to moonlight, transfer my affections, play away, stick my head in the sand and WALK THE DOGS. When I have cheered up I shall sneak back to the radio.


Blime, you have more talents even than I imagined. Or some remarkably well trained dogs.

And I hope a snorkel or similar too. (H&S monitor this week, I have to point this stuff out)


I have a barnacle survey to do as well.

I hope Pip is rumbled soon.


There is no comeback to that, now is there? And it might even be bluddy true, is the worst of it.
Respeck, Ftc.


We are a talented lot on this board.


Rumbled, squeaked, beeped… There truly is no beginning to her talents. I understand they’re developing a BadgerBot in case of emergency…

    \_______/ <-- digital gripewater for the poor things.

Similar to Roof’s “you could have told me … i can keep a secret” today was the decision that they’d own up but keep her illness.

There is onĺly one adequate phrase … “badly done”.

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Please stop repeating that. We had a bellyful of it being rehashed, either wittily or otherwise (usually otherwise) in the immediate aftermath of SOC’s minion’s oh-so-blindingly appropriate deployment of the phrase. When I say ‘blinding’, you understand I mean it in the sense of ‘well I couldn’t see yer bleedin’ point, tossface’, I hope.

It was a crap piece of writing and the recycling of it gets on my frontage.

Sorry, Armitage, not your fault at all and no personal offence intended, you were just in the wrong place at the right time, or something along those lines.

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You should have been over your mother’s knee a few times, young Pip.

I found total deprivation of TV, radio, going out, visitors and phone calls in or out for a clearly stated period worked a treat, together with not accepting grovelling and insincere apologies. Young Sir has been kind enough to say he’s done so well “because you showed me the way I needed to go”. Young Ms the stepdaughter is a pretty decent parent, despite health problems, and Little Miss the granddaughter (9) is extremely good at keeping her parents in order, including insisting they went with her to Church at Christmas and Easter! (Sorry to boast, I’m illustrating a point.)

But Pip has had Dopey, Dopier and an ambience of puzzlement and entitlement, in which not only intellectual intelligence but also emotional intelligence have been in short supply, alas. :cry:

My idea of heaven (well, apart from radio)

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Would hell, or maybe purgatory, be having to watch the same omnibus edition of EE over and over, joe? (Similar to Sisyphus and his boulder in Tartarus.)

Fagash’s next business…


Have a triple SNORK!!!

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