Radio Times Ambridge Diary July 3-8

Oliver has come up with an idea for bringing the community together. This time, it doesn’t involve uniting Ambridge in its criticism of his actions, but a still-disgruntled Lynda may take some persuading.
Another source of drama these past few weeks has been the mollycoddled Steph, who has dad Vince wrapped around her little finger. But might her hold on him be loosening? And what might this mean for Beth and Ben?
Tracy’s captaincy skills are treated in a challenging cricket match against Darrington. And she’s keen to impress, workwise, when a new opportunity presents itself. She may have her family by her side, but they’re not the ones who need convincing …

Thanks to fleetingeileenm of The Archers in Mustardland


And one hopes, found wanting.