Radio Times Ambridge Diary Nov 12-17

Gossip about the hit and run continues to cast a dark shadow over the village. Alan hatches a plan to bring Ambridge together - but has he already bitten off more than he can chew?
Lilian continues her quest for the truth - cue an epic confrontation when she presents her evidence and demands answers. However, you can expect her to be sideswiped by a very surprising admission.
Finally, Harrison proves to be a useful inside man as more than one Ambridge resident finds themselves under investigation following Matt’s accident.
Plus Pip and Toby confront the future of their relationship: will they get back together or is this really the end of the line?

Thanks to fleetingeileenm from the Bowman board


Sod. The. Lot. Of. 'Em.

And Burns ‘proving useful’? Oh well, there’s a first time for everything. I’ve done the folkdancing, though, many, many times but never on the top of a 73 bus (my nylons! are you mad?) and my options on the other front are severely limited. Still, there is always someone worse off than oneself, as they say*.
*And isn’t that a cheery and charitable and above all effective little platitude when used to comfort someone in great distress? (This has nothing at all to do with Archers Spoilers that I can discern, just in case anyone was wondering.)
But ‘Burns proving useful’? Truly wonders will be shown in the heavens above and on the earth below including but not limited to blood and fire and pillows of smoke and lo, yet shall I speak unto the people and say ‘"Burns is an incompetent Pillock, who wouldn’t know the palms of Jezebel’s hands and the soles of her feet from dogfoo… " ah. If it please you, rest here awhile in the shade of some local shady tree-ey thing whose name is Shady Tree, while enjoying the best that the well, my daughters and, if you insist, my donkey have to offer, and I shall get back to you on that’.

yrs, dodging thunderbolts even as I type, Gus xx


“Now we are all united in hating Alan.”

Yeah, I think this must be a misprint.

I’m so excited I can barely stay awake.


The one where she uses him mercilessly and he lets her walk all over him ? THAT relationship ?
The only thing to confront is if she feels he’s not supine enough and that, as rainier weather comes, he’s expected to carry her over puddles or lie in them in front of her.


Please. His job is to prevent the rain from falling on her.


The usual 6ft hole would do the trick nicely. I’ll even hold his coat while he digs


And nearly a year later, Toby is still Pip’s errand boy and baby-minder without even any of the previous benefits he (presumably) enjoyed.


I’m thinking explosively forged projecToby.