Radio Times Ambridge Diary Oct 15-20

Is Lilian about to fall off the cloud nine she’s currently sitting on with Justin? It certainly seems that way when she’s once again drawn into Matt’s world, in an evening of near misses, a horrifying realisation and a shock proposal …
Worrying rumours continue to spread about negligence at the vets’ practice, with Shula fearing the worst when Latif gets wind of them. Alistair is trying to be optimistic, but with the Hunt Ball to organise and Anisha’s replacement causing problems, it’s clear the situation is taking its toll.
Plus Adam is enjoying bonding with Henry, but is put to the test when the lad pulls the “birds and the bees” card. How will Adam get himself out of this one?

Thanks to fleetingeileenm from the Bowman board


Henwy lives on a farm, surrounded by farms. Henwy is rising seven. He should know about the bs and bs (no, not the Snells and Grundys) perfectly well. Witless little retard.


He may be more conversant with the letters A and I, however as far as both humans and animals are concerned. Well, there is Tyson the bull, I suppose. Other than that, there may not be a whole lot of sexual intercourse going on at Bridge Farm.


I sincerely hope Tony and Pat gave that sort of thing up a long time ago.


Well, look at what happened when they indulged themselves.