So, looks as though we're keeping ze meerkat ... joy all round!

I was glad Lexi stood up to that arse, Ian. He is such an arse I somehow don’t care whether it was her place or not to do so. And I was glad Roy and Lexi might get a chance to be happy. I’m only sorry we didn’t hear how Ian reacted to being dressed down by Lexi. I did rather enjoy his ‘who do you think you are’ reaction and her refusal to back down.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I’m going to make some of you barf but, as I mentioned, I have a soft spot for Roy; he’s such a drip.


Look, Janie, I’m not saying I’m sorry she stood up to Ian, because you are quite right about his proctological propensities. But I want her carpeted for it, because it was not her place, and gone, her and her irrrrritating mannerrrrr of speaking.
Roy can go back to a meaningful relationship with his sock drawer. Sorry. Can’t support you on that. Nasty little man. (Why is he suddenly such a Very Grate Mate of Sulky McBroody, by the way?)


Love it! The sock drawer image, that is. Why is he nasty, though? I admit it was appalling the way he was ready to dump his wife and children so that he could be Lord Loxley. Oh, and the racist stuff was not nice, but he was sorry and tried to make amends and it was ages and ages ago anyway. What else has he done that is nasty? He was kind to Joe and took care of his ferrets when the Grundys were making a nuisance of themselves at Grey Gables. OK, not wise, he should have booted them out, but you can’t say he was nasty. And he’s been a nice, calm Dad to Phoebe when she was angsting about whether to go to Oxford or not.


Fair points - I wasn’t taking the racist stuff into account, though, as that happened during one of my happy, happy periods of Not Listening. Um, the way he ‘took on’ Phoebe yet had everyone else doing the actual work yet gets the credit for being a good Dad, the willingness to dump his children for the chance to get his feet under the LL table (as if!), the way he thought that schtupping his mother gave him some sort of authority over Freddy - that really irked me.
But basically, I’m afraid, Janie. I don’t like his accent and I just don’t like him.


I wanted to slap him for all those things too. I wasn’t listening when Phoebe was a baby but I quite believe he palmed her off on Betty and Hayley, wasn’t it? Not that he got more support than Helen did. Oh. I see the flaw in that argument.


Because Ian made him feel guilty as all hell get out over Adam socking Matt and Roy warning him that it was caught on CCTV so he could tell the police about it before Roy did.

Ian managed to make their potential surrogate mother taking one look at them and backing off within ten minutes of getting home into something entirely Roy’s fault – no mention of who socked whom and caused the problem.


Well ye-es, but Roy wasn’t half protesting tonight that he was Ian’s fwend. The more fool him.
But he did the world a favour if he did tip the balance in averting the womb-on-legs wumman.


Extraordinary the way Roy appears not to have resented being blamed when it was Adam’s temper, not Roy’s bad timing, that scuppered their plans. I would be furious if someone tried to lay all that guilt on me when I was doing what I thought was a favour to them by tipping them off about the CCTV footage. And I think I’d let Ian tantrum his way out of a job. But then I’m not nice but nor am I stupid and I’m afraid Roy is both.


Wouldn’t any normal bloke be totally humiliated by the ghastly Lexi’s behaviour? She’s the most appalling character EVER. and will make Roy’s life a misery. He’s such a loser, and all because he had Ideas Above His Station with the frosty chatelaine.


Perhaps the problem is that Roy is aware of how wildly and how often his character has changed, and is worried that he’s going mad?


His a bit, and everyone else’s all round him. It probably all feeds on itself, too: they notice, and get madder and madder.