[yawnity] tseep! tseep tseep tseep etc. foreign birds from the other side of the valley coming over here and taking our insects and seeds…
But you can dine on Ulster Fry that I have ready wee birdie…
Well, yes. Of course.
But they’re my insects and seeds. Young birds these days, got no respec’, not like my day hem-hem…
Ach don’t the young birds think of you as a kind Great Uncle?
After all you couldn’t eat ALL the insects and seeds yourself as you get share of the cellar’s menu could you?
Steady on, Twellsy…
That Birdie has a reputation to keep up, not least amongst Other Dunnocks…
Really heavy frost overnight & the pavement across the road is still treacherous.
Porky Pie fer breakfast - what a treat. Not quite the same as sweet & sour chicken balls but a happy memory of Boxing Days past…
How can you put new ones back?
Where do you find these things?
[bird-brained snigger]
A post was merged into an existing topic: Cryptocurrencies – a public service announcement
Quite Fishy
New things are placed not replaced
Have been forran Airing - it seems abit milder tonight, although the stars are still twinkling.
Proffers Pitchers
Carinthia. xx
They might all have gone out by now; how would we tell?
Cheerful sod, me.
Bottoms up, Darling.
Well the Candles are lit, Dank sei Soo, who sent light for my darkness last week…
Proffers Medicinal Summat
Carinthia. xx
Grateful gluppity, and bottoms up once more, Darling. One cannot trust stars: they sidle.
You are so right, Dahlink, they do
Top up?
Carinthia. xx
Sidereally, at that.
Werll, yes.
And yes again, please.
Glurgle zizzity.
Goodnight all
Sweep Well, Dahlink
Me Noo Pillock is helping me to keep better aligned, & my sleep is improving. I have stayed awake during the day both yesterday & today, so I think that things are improving
Carinthia. xx
Good news that dear one
Sleep is important and good deep sleep at night even more so
But now I have a fry to cook to feed a poor starving wee birdie who will need extra food to keep warm