He was Crete-trained , if that helps at all.
He was Crete-trained , if that helps at all.
Traditionally, a labyrinth…
He didn’t actually live in the labyrinth; he lived within it. You had to go through the labyrinth to get to him, and he would have had to go through the labyrinth to get out, but the Minotaur’s actual dwelling must have been accessible by other means and not itself part of the labyrinth, since the Greek youths were sent to him to be eaten and if they’d had to go through the labyrinth they (and he) would probably have died of starvation.
Thank you
I got the word maze into my head and could not shift even though I knew it was wrong
That is very fine.
Thank you.
I am proud of my llama straw
Llama or giraffe?
Delightful, either way
Giraffes have horns
Or to be correct ossicles
Fair point. (In my defence, I was looking at it on my phone, so not ideal for details)
Gawds, itizz gloomy here, & not very warm at all
Am considering corned beef hash fer this evening
I have let the rest of the household loose with say twenty-five large flowerpots (glazed ornamental, and plain brown pot) which badly need to be cleaned since the things that were in them (apart from one or two Noxious Weeds) are long gone, and a pressure washer. They seem to be happy even under the lowering sky.
When I was younger I thought that was pronounced like lowering a glass to a table, to rhyme with owe, and that made sense in a way because such a sky looks as if it is coming down on you. I think I was fifteen before I realised that it is usually said to rhyme with cow, and has a completely different etymology and used to be spelt louring.
Gawds, Fishy
Tiny Chainsaw and Pressure Washer?
There’ll be tears before bedtime…
Only one flowerpot, and that the smallest and least interesting, has broken… Making, as I have pointed out, several potential brown-sugar-softeners if broken up carefully and soaked in clean water, then dried in the oven before being used.
Not at the same time.
Toys like this almost make it worth bein’ a grown-up.
Dunno about that, Dahlink, but there was a full shower before a cuppa. I think me 'urr is now compost -free…
Milton Rinse fer you and the terracotta, eh?
I’d need more than tea
Just sayin’…
I have just had tea wivvan cake wrapped round it. So that worked quite nicely really.
Do I get the impression that dunnocks like cake?
Made with Earl Grey.