So, who wants to help ... to rattle on in the cellar?

…which needs spending on Gin, imo, Twellsy.
Aye, were I as rich as Creosote, there is no end to the lovely stuffs I would buy. Beads are - or used to be - a big weakness of mine; and they had the great advantage of being more stealthily smugglable into the abode than books. The big Waterstones (Simpsons as was, with the uncomfortably shallow marble stairs) was my effective daily shortcut from St. James’s Square to Piccadilly; that came expensive :wink:


I have a woman staying here at present who reckons her beads by the pound avoirdupois: about fourteen pounds, she reckons. She added thoughtfully that in numbers, if you include seed-beads it’s probably in the billions.

She also has cats.

I would have said these would not be compatible, but apparently they are.


Well I bought gin yesterday so another bottle this week would be a touch excessive

Instead we parked illegally outside the wool shop and I bought the rest of the wool I got yesterday with the pattern and needles for a cardi


Does this woman - with whom I feel I have much in common - know that freshwater pearls are merely a superior form of crunchy treat for cats?

Seed beads are irresistable, So relatively cheap. Such a range of colours. And they never all get used. I have pounds avoirdupois of the damn things.
And drat her for living in the US, where they have far better bead shops and superior findings. Drat her to drattedness. I once pondered on a slim volume of essays to be entitled Beads of America, basically based around bead-envy…


You disappoint me, Twellsy

and then you go and redeem yourself :wink:
G xx


You were saying?



Have you got my leopards perchance?

They hear my opening a work box/bag and instantly decide I am who they adore and want to help

Ever tried to knit a leopard?

Don’t if you value your digits


Nope. Leopard-free last time I checked, petal, and I have a funny feeling I would have noticed,
This is what Mrs B. has been trying to get involved in. I have a way to go, as you can see, and she is only now getting into her stride.


I’d like that twice, if I could, Gus.

The whole BBQ idea has morphed into more than just the two ovvus. Somehow. Extra provisions will be sourced, mañana. Today’s lunch was very delicious and companionable. DS and I had shin of beef and it was quite suitable, as the only free table was in the depths of the pub, away from any annoying heat.

Soo xx


And as That Chatelaine would be the first to remind you, had I not nipped cheekily in, ‘virtually Medicinal’. As well as, if properly handled, delicious.
Good luck with the sociable conflagration the morra, and thank you for kind words re Mooncat. It is - and I am no stranger to following a chart, the very Divil Himself. Even without shiny black assistance.
G xx


The shin of beef was glorious, Gus.

I can tell that Mooncat is rather tricky, even without a Pidgely One in attendance.

Soo xx


Gus that looks good

Of course Mrs B wants to help with a portrait of a rival cat

After all knowing her enemy is a useful thing for a cat

Leopards just pummel and bite and claw any pretenders to their throne into mincemeat


Also, and I speak from experience here, any passing arse. So there’s an earworm to enliven a Saherday night.
So claw to me the passing arse…

“Good night and Dettol be with you all”


In my experience, the feline world is divided into “self” and “the enemy”. There are no exceptions (although meal tickets will be tolerated)

Am about to taste first attempt at naan. Looks OK, but whether it’s edible


And slept on and generally made use of and biffed about and Disciplined, quite apart from Pay & Rations.

Very excited about the naan, and I do hope it is as you would wish because if it is, then I (selfless to the last) want instructions.
And what is the naan to go with? One seldom has it on its own, after all, or with cream & jam or the reverse…


Home made naan is a joyous thing

And works well as a piece of cutlery


I don’t think that I appraised you of yesterday’s naan attempts, chez bee.
Almond flour, tapioca flour, coconut milk and seasoning were jollied up together. We fried the batter with groundnut oil inna skillet and decided that it might have been better to dry-fry it as our result tended towards paratha (very, very tasty, though).
Soo xx


all these goings-on a-going-on, I dunno. Turn yer back on the cellar for an instant and it breaks out in flatbreads…

Would coconut milk not incline it to burn like a reet bugga, though? My instinct says so but I have never tried it and am probably talking out of an orifice with which I do not eat.


No, it really didn’t. I thought that it might, but was willing to give it a go. We both lurved the flavour, but the texture needed w#rk.

Soo xx


Time for bed.
Good nights, Cellarites,
Soo xx