Agreed dear limpet
It’s weird especially from a man who is a knight
More swearing from me
Agreed dear limpet
It’s weird especially from a man who is a knight
More swearing from me
Lose VPNs and you lose what’s left of the tech industry in this country. I bet that none of the people voting for this even realise how they’re using them already.
How who are using whom?
Everyone who uses the internet at all is using VPNs at some point in their experience. They just don’t notice it. They think of “VPN” as “specific commercial product used only for piracy” not “fundamental backbone”.
And these are kept alive by the current house of lords?
No, this is part of the “protect the CHILDRUN” bill that’s also currently being rushed through.
By Labour?
They’re supporting it, because they have forgotten what an opposition is for.
I’m afraid I don’t see what it has to do with a completely different and only as yet proposed bill.
Which is an appallingly ill-thought-through crock of something-must-be-done-ery.
Note to parents: supervise your own brats’ online activities and Stop Bloody Whining
Thank you Gus
May I endorse your note to brat producers?
My brats are, like their father, myopic. I am not and can read, for example, computer screens from quite a distance. Our PC and games monitors were situated within easy spying range of this brat producer and the brats simply could not imagine that I could have such super-human abilities. Fast forward to the easily covert use of modern tech and I don’t think that I’d be confident of keeping a (long-sighted) eye upon them.
Soo xx
Make smartphones illegal for under 16s?
OK, I can see some drawbacks, but it would be reasonably effective.
Soo xx
Yes, wee Bee, I expect the air would be blue for a bit…
Dear twin
You produced children into a loving family
Not feral brats
So no need to worry about your children being guilty of nasty behaviour
I think that I was more concerned about my progeny suffering from the machinations of others - I am very glad to have been able to drag them up before stuff went so bad, tbh.
Soo xx
Political correctness? In a properly ordered world it would be common decency.