Those quiz answers

Stumped? Quizzed out? Want to steal a march on your nearest and dearest? Amaze friends with your breadth of knowledge? Look no further. Here are those seasonal quiz answers in full.

  1. a) 88 days; b) 80, 12, 6; c) Zanzibar

  2. a) Ronald Firbank; b) Henry Green; c) Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron Dunsany

  3. a) phascolomian; b) three; c) no: it is the result of a very slow (>14 days) digestive process

  1. a) valkosipuli; b) poondu palangal; c) bawang na bawang

  2. a) Bethnal Green; b) The Goat Tavern; c) Eleanor Bull.