When did Helen become an expert on cows?

As I recall, she never had anything to do with the herd before; it was down to Tony and very reluctantly) Tom.

PS - neither does she possess anything like the requisite level of self-awareness.


She was not and is not an expert on cows. She learned how to milk them at Reaseheath College, as part of the cheese-making course, but has never so far as we know actually done so this century.

She also seems strangely ignorant about cheese-making; cheese from the milk of Montbéliardes is unlikely to be the same as cheese from the milk of Freisians, which is what she used before.

What has the cheese been being made from since August 2018, when Ian declared it substandard and Helen (who hadn’t been bothering to taste any of the batches until then) had to agree with him?

I’d suggest that either it hasn’t been made, or it has been made to a different recipe – in which case why change the cows?


Perhaps “substandard” was “good enough for the peasants”? (I do get a bit of a Hameau de la Reine feel about the whole business.)