Achieved so far today

Blasted Foxes parade like ‘Head Sir Rag’ down my road in Chesterfield


3 of my neighbours feed them…

Sigh & Spit



Nature is certainly good for the soul. Disconnection from the world we live in is, I’m convinced, the cause of many of today’s problems.

Before we moved we had a double whammy with woodpeckers. A Great Spotted fed a fledgling at the feeding station outside the kitchen window and a Green Woodpecker introduced his fledgling to anthills in the lawn.


Yep. When this one turned up last week hopping and pecking merrily on the lawn I looked up their habits. Apparently, the book said, they eat ants, ants and more ants.

I’d cut the lawn and skimmed to top of an ant’s nest. I guess that was what attracted it.


I have been known to feed a fox. In town. Pore fing, it was a young skinny one. It has either foxed up or gone and died somewhere.


D’you like it? I painted him that colour. Improved his flavour.


This evening I was minding my own business at my desk, with front and back doors open to give the gamers a through draught, when a small grey person came in yowling for attention in a very Burmese voice, so I went round to see who it was and shut the front door for a bit rather than let it come in. It was a grey cat which looked very like the one who has been lost for a month, so instead of telling it to be about its business, go home you silly animal, I encouraged it in and then rang the owners, who left a sad “have you seen our cat?” note through the door a month or more ago.

And it was indeed their missing cat! He is skeletally thin and rather dehydrated (he drank a lot of water once he had decided he forgave us for capturing him) and he should go to a vet for a check-up, I should think, but he is back – six years to the day after he entered their lives as the groom’s present to the bride.

I am so happy I could burst!


That’s really immensely heartwarming & you deserve a glass or 3 of Summat Nice



Oh Fish. St Gertrude, among others, will be smiling upon you for quite a while for that. Weeping like a fool thinking how very happy the cat’s people must be. And how fortunate the silly cat is to have found you as opposed to its own way back home. Furry retard.
Hurrah for Fanta!

Now off to shove a tablet into the front, sharp bitey end of my neglected unloved and maltreated mog.

Again, hurrah! for Fanta. That was a very good thing to have done and you deserve a large one of whatever strikes you as a good idea. Served with grateful purrage.


How wonderful. The owners must be bursting with happiness just like you! What an excellent reason for leaving your front door open for any passing burglar !!!


Well done Fanta ! that makes you my ‘Bank Holiday Weekend Hero/ine’ for your kindness to missing moggies, I can’t imagine how grateful his family must have been. You will have made their year let alone their weekend :grinning:


The owners wuz weeping at us too. All very coo ur gosh all round.


I think, judging by their state of dressedness, that they may have been in bed and not heard him outside, to be fair to the cat; we may have been the nearest lighted door he was able to come and shout in through.

Today I have achieved nothing of note, though we had a good pub-lunch before the gamers all went home.


6 years … to the day ? Interesting.


Lovely story, Fanta. I do wish cats would say where they had been. Shut in somewhere, I suppose, and for a whole week, poor thing. Could have turned out a lot worse.

One of ours, our late lovely tortie, Perlita, got shut in a neighbour’s house a block away by presumably sneaking in while they were putting their suitcases in the car to go away for the Easter long weekend. After four days of worry, on Easter Monday afternoon, she strolled back in, not too distressed - perhaps she had found a source of water, the toilet, probably. Five minutes later the phone rang and the neighbour (whom we did not know) explained that Perlita had run out of the house the minute they opened the door. Then they spotted the posters we’d (illegally) stapled to all the telegraph poles and put two and two together and called us.


I can’t really match a 6 year missing cat knocking on my door.

We went to #1 son’s house in Northampton. He’s looking to buy & drove is around some of the villages. There are some beautiful places around & about there. Britain is a lovely place when you look in the right spots.

Came home to find the back lawn doing a faie immitation of the washing when I leave a tissue in something. Strewn with white & pale grey feathers…I must assume the Sparrowhawk has has pigeon(s) for tea again.l … & not in a “how do you take it, Vicar ?” sort of way.


No, no: he was a wedding present six years ago, but he had been missing for only (only!) five weeks. Poor silly moggin. I wonder whether he’ll be over here demanding belly-rubs once he’s been let out of the house again…

Yes, parts of N’hants are lovely. My parents lived just outside it, in a place called Adderbury, which is utterly gorgeous for most of itself and only has a few nasty new dwellings.

Feather-bits of dead pigeon are a bit of a nuisance to tidy up, but luckily they blow away after a bit.



Adderbury near Banbury ? Lovely place if so. Lovely place even if not.

Aaah. 6 weeks. More sense, less mystery. Still remarkable though.

Looked at Towcester, Dallington & a few others. This is Dallington …


Got any free glue?


Sorry, put this in the wrong thread. This was on Sunday afternoon.