Oh Joe, that is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry.
For what it’s worth, we’ve found the culprit - a sodding mink. Obviously back for more
Have ordered a trap, so hopefully we can catch it before we get any more hens. Trap and incubator should both be here on Monday, so we have three weeks to catch the bastard. Seems pretty brazen, so I don’t expect it will take long. The trap we are assured is “humane”. I feel no reason to promise the same…
I hates minks too
Horrible little killers
The really annoying thing about mink is that we did them to ourselves, in the interests of vanity. There was never any real need for them to exist in these islands at all.
I agree fully the little horrors should never have been on these islands
Agreed, but once here they should at least have remained confined:
Animal activists accused of liberating 5,000 mink in Ireland | Ireland | The Guardian.
The words we used the first time that happened were “Bloody little fools”.
There were two bloody little fools in Devon who lived up to that: they had decided to “liberate” the mink, and the mink, who knew when they were on a good thing, were not keen on being liberated. So the BLFs picked up the cages and shook them to get the mink out.
I think it was the hospital in Paignton which stitched up all the lacerations for them…
(Whoever it was who claimed the mink had said “not furnished, you fascist!” as they swooped in for the kill, had probably been watching Monty Python’s Flying Circus.)
NOT a ‘like’ like. Bastard thing. Good trapping.
The traps, as I said, are humane. I am now considering a release about, oh let’s call it 25.9km away - at the office of a particular waste of space that is unfortunately one of our constituency TDs
Why release it?
Just take it to him and show photos of your late family members and ask him for compensation…
And leave the mink in his office
Let him be bitten by the nasty little killer
In his office was what I had in mind. Alternatively, present him with what we were faced with on Thursday morning: sixteen bodies. Couldn’t face it though - and it would have been disrespectful.
I know your henny famiily need their dignity
I am just weeping for your gorgeous girls and boys
Fortune attend them !
I really hope they are viable
I’d like to add my best wishes to your eggs, joe. Let’s hope for success after such a horrible time.
Soo xx
Joe, LadySusan and I were so sorry to hear about this. Best of luck with the eggs. xxx
Just nipping in for a quick update. (Absolutely stressed out at the moment, so anything potentally positive is more than welcome!)
Down to last couple of days, so have upped the incubator humidity and am about to switch to hatching mat. Next 24-36 hours will tell…
There will hopefully be photos.
Fingers crossed here.
Every single digit crossed here too