So, who wants to help ... to cower in the cellar?

Oh, yeah, I s’pose it is.

There’s some actual blue visible in the sky.

[fryity] [fryity] Proper Breakfast for Twellsy & anyone else as does.



Thank you wee birdie

I am really really breathless today

I blame the weather as it is grey grim wet weather here

Or is it the lack of gin?

The clinic has changed the wifi to a hotspot that drops ye off after half an hour’s rest

The Bull is sorting this with a modem so I have the channels I watch and full time phone and interweb


That izza bit ovva bugga, Twellsy. But at least you are in the right place for being it and can be Looked After.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, dere. And Gin.
G xx


Heard while queuing in the post office: “if it’s full sugar it isn’t in the Meal Deal”.

Greasy crisps and limp lettuce on dyed-brown bread, fine, but Sugar is Evil apparently, even in this small shop that frankly doesn’t care about my state of health as long as I can waddle to the door.


A murrain on 'em, thass wot I say




Blimey, joe, that’s almost a year ago, I’d completely forgotten you’d posted that! I hope it’s not just my memory that’s unreliable.


I remembered the likeness had been mentioned but thought it unkind to draw attention to poor rambling Janie repeating herself ;- )
So another one for the defective memory bench here.

Shall we settle for ‘great minds, etc’? It really is a striking resemblance which, once seen, cannot be unseen.

Love the tale of Poodle at the Hairdresser, btw


I have just experienced an ocular migraine - self-diagnosis. Quite disturbing, all that shimmering and loss of peripheral vision in the affected eye. I decided, while it was occurring, that I really must have a shower and wash my hair as I couldn’t land up in hospital in a mucky state. Thankfully, all symptoms have gone and I am clean.
Soo xx


I hope that you have a seat in your shower, Soo

That sounds most unpleasant



Nope, no seat. I can be a reckless bee, at times, Carinthia.
Soo xx


Urrrk. Unsettling. Pore Bee. Now it has gone, it can stay bloomin’ well gone, we hope.


I’ve not experienced this before, although I used to have fairly regular migraines of the other sort until I was precribed beta blockers. I’m not worried, just wanted to share, iyswim. Off out to Tesco, meh.

Soo xx


I hope you aren’t doing the driving, Soo.
I too used to get reasonably regular migraines and was very happy indeed when they stopped. I still get the ocular kind from time to time, but would not want to swap back ;- )


That is what I get, when I get a migraine something between ten and twenty times a year: no headache, just aura. It is generally both eyes, though it manifests first to either the right or the left of my field of vision as a disturbance of the air (as it were) like a heat-haze off a road. Then it expands until it has taken over the whole of the edge area to one quarter (top, bottom, left, right) with strange shiny cords like nothing more than those plaited-paper Christmas chains made by children, only in shimmery crystal rather than coloured paper. They don’t usually last more than half-an-hour, forty minutes at worst, and I can function while they are going on: walk, or even read a computer screen if I am careful. But I wouldn’t want to cook, or drive, or do anything requiring real concentration.

I hope that yours doesn’t recur, or if it does it’s as little of a nuisance to you as mine are to me. I know that when I mentioned the phenomenon at a convention, because I was afraid they might be a symptom of something more serious, about ten people during an evening told me they get them and not to worry… And none of them has died yet as far as I know.


I once did the shopping at Lidl with a migraine aura. It started as I was going in, and by the time I had paid and got back to the car it was completely gone.


I have been most fortunate never to have had a migraine of any sort

I do get feelings of ‘semi-detachment’ though, & wouldn’t be able to stand under the shower because of the closing of the eyes thang…



I don’t close my eyes in the shower. I did go to Tesco (Mr Bee drove, as always) but I stayed in the car as it is absolutely rammed with gifts for our local Women’s Refuge. Church did this instead of the Shoebox appeal, this year, and the response has been absolutely astonishing. Re the visual disturbance, I’ll check my BP this evening to be on the safe side. Just have a fuzzy head, now.

I hope that Twellsy’s breathing has eased…

Soo xx


An apology from 3Wells, she’s managed to “disconnect” herself from the cellar on her phone, and may not be reconnected until I get in to see her in the morning! (no, there’s no easy way of talking her through logging in another way, she does have the tablet but that’s even more difficult for her, we’ve tried).

Stay warm and dry (externally … “internal” wetness of a gin-like nature is of course quite permissible!), catch y’all tomorrow :slight_smile:


I am having a sausage sandwich for supper. There just miiiight be some chipolatas going begging…

< steps smartly aside >