The new cellar is looking rather bare, but a crack team of interior decorators is expected imminently. All the usual Supplies are in place, though, and the Gin Lake has been freshly dredged and a surprising quantity of sequins recovered.
The customary signage is in place: above the door, ‘Never say no to a Medicinal’, and just within
Thank you, Dahlink. Twellsy might need summat stronger, though, when I explain that the sequin haul has been donated to the Distressed Drag Artistes Benevolent Association.
And my Cream Horn moulds are due to arrive this evening … woohoooo!!! As we’re away this week-end, I was very good and didn’t get any cream - yet - will get that delivered Monday. Got frozen puff pastry, got Dalfour jam, so early next week expect a platetray of jammy cream horns to be close to the entrance
I’d prefer brandy snaps, filled with cream. I know that these are not on the menu
We have booked an hotel in Embra for a few nights around D-Day. I can cope with almost anything, but not with sleeping in the car or alongside Poodle. Unfortunately, other rellies living nearby find themselves on Mull, for the duration. Ah - gin!
Oh, Soo ;- (
Can you not just whisk Poodle to you forran extended visit and take her back up with you as and when?
Probably not helpful, Gus.
Profiterole limpet, me, but a good BS is an Good Thing.