So, who wants to help ... to rattle on in the cellar?


Me bruvver would like to point out that he knows nuffink about that, he just runs a social club for the local lads to get 'em off the streets and maybe learn some useful skills.



Some of us are awaiting a DDD sitrep, you know.


Maybe we’ll have one by the time I return from shopping, Gus. There’s nothing we desperately need, but I need to tear myself away from aggravations, iyswim. Chilli with cornbread topping as suggested by Twellsy - where is she? I hope that the chesticles aren’t being too problematic xx
See you later,
Soo xx


I’m here

I was dentisting early morning then crafty grouping

I now have a job to do for a girl in crafty group - embroider a name onto a baby blanket she has knitted - her first go at knitting something a bit complex as it has bands of colour


That’s for dinner, by the way.

I’m glad that your day has been spent in ways other than poorliness, Twellsy.

Soo xx


Why did I read that as “combat topping”?


I am, largely, in combat mode these days joe, so understand your question.
Soo xx


Actually, I’m rather partial to weapons-grade chilli.


We are teeny, yet multitudinous (well, apart from the scare stories about our endagerment, which are true), Gus.

My chilli hazz attitude, I’m telling you, joe.

Soo xx


Am getting ready to pack my case for the weekend

My all-time favourite Purple/Silver/Black Silk Suit will be worn on Saturday evening, when we are, apparently Dressing for Dinner

With any luck, my granddaughter will be available for hair/makeup … :wink:



You’ll knock 'em in the aisles, Carinthia!

Dogrep: having consented on the second day to eat a small amount of her daily rations, and a mutton-bone, DDD has gone back onto hunger strike. Yesterday evening she ate about a third of her allotted bowlful, and that only because I threw it to her one piece at a time – this is said to be her favourite of the available forms of kibble, Skinners Duck And Rice, but you wouldn’t know it. I tried the experiment today of not leaving any in her bowl after she’d turned up her pointy little nose at it last night, and have just offered her a half-ration at her usual food-time. She says it is Poison, and went away to lie flatly on the floor.

Her loving owner said cheerfully before he left that she was about six pounds overweight, and she seems to have taken it to heart, but it does worry me a little. She’s eaten about two days’ food in a week, at this point, and I don’t know what to do about it. Even the cheese only worked once, and milk not at all. I am going to have to ask whether I might be allowed to get her some wet food and mix it in, I think.


That is a little worrying, Fishers. I realise that you must ask for permission to alter her diet, but what about Dog Gravy mixed with the dry stuff? Not gravy made from Dogs, you’ll understand. Actually - I remember vividly having That Poodle to stay and the instructions for her food portions were parsimonious, frankly. She was a teeny bit pudgy, on arrival. However, after three days of near-starvation and a lot of exercise she became both lean and very hungry. I don’t mean to suggest that DS has sent her to you to diet, but that is what DD and SiL did, bless them. Ask him what she does usually have. I did - and we’re over it now.

Give her a furfle from Auntie Bee.

Soo xx


Poor wee darling. And no fun forra Fish, who will be Worriting.


She arrived with fifteen kilos of the food that she usually does have, and that is what she is refusing to touch! She gets a bowl full every evening, and generally leaves a little for her breakfast after the first walk of the day, but not the whole lot for days on end. She is just in mourning, and wants to be sure we know it. Wretched wretch!

I shall admit defeat tomorrow, I think.


I’m sure that she’s protesting, Fishy

She won’t eat what she usually has, as she isn’t where she usually eats it


I would ask about giving her some wet food, or using Dog Gravy (who knew?) - I wouldn’t like a dry dinner either



I would offer wet food at breakfast time, unmixed with kibble, and kibble either unadulterated (first try) or with a well-reduced and shiny jus (aka dog gravy) for supper.

Canned dog food - Butcher’s.
But if you have a big pet needfuls store nearby I might consider the frozen, raw food Nature’s Menu stuff. It’s an arm anna leg, mind. Which of course would be both nutritious and palatable to a Hound.
All worried now.
Gus x


Quite right too, Dahlink. Also, wot That Fish said about you knocking their eyes out.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, dear Chatelaine.


There’s a form of dogfood that’s sort of like a pâté, made by Wainwrights, which has no additives or other nasties in it. I think that might be my next move; mix it in very sparingly just to get her eating again at all.