Sounds like a Plan, Carinthia.
Soo xx
ETA that I’m off to bed. Good nights, Cellarites.
Sounds like a Plan, Carinthia.
Soo xx
ETA that I’m off to bed. Good nights, Cellarites.
Good night, wee Bee
Gin, Soo
I think that we need summat to drink
Trundles trapeze out to gin lake
As near to the cellar as possible
I am being good!
Strangled Snork…
Everything has bin taken apart. (This is sent via the noo shinyphone.) Night all.
You can’t go strangling snorks. They nest on cartwheels and are wholly lovely.
Ah. No, the blue-arsed Snork, however, is fair game, Dahlink. And it does love a peckity at any skweakwins it might encounter on its meanderings
Goodnight, Spsrrer. Safe journeys, good gaming, smooth rebuilds and Shiny Noo Boiler
Tenters Hitched…
The Blokes are here.
(Did I mention noo shinyphone? Only took about an hour to get set up. Yay LineageOS.)
Will someone get this bluddy snork off my bikinki please?
The bluddy thing is pecking all the squeakwins off me bra top and it is getting bits of me into it as well
I have Distracted it wiv toast and marmite, Dere.
Thank you Gus
Now I needs a noo bikinki
Coooeee chatelaine
I needs advice on making a squeakwinned bikinki
That snork has made this one into my Sunday one
Proffers emergency wrap, for the sake of public decency. No squeakwins, but look - shiny gold embroidery, and all floaty and elegant. Wiv a handy pocket for the anti-Snork HDE catapult.
Dons Dark Glasses & Sighs…
Thank you Gus
Nobody else worries about my welfare
Mind you don’t singe yer Harse, Twellsy…
Now about this bikinki
I have some nice lycra backed squeakwinned fabric
Do I zigzag stitch the pattern before I cut it out to stop it ravelling?
Christ onna Bike
Stretchy Squeakwins
Cut out first, with seam allowance, fit, & then stitch & finish
If this is real, then it will be an Bugga to do
Trust me
Not only stretchy but reversible squeakwins
Rub the fabric one way and it’s silver rub it the other way and it’s shocking pink!
Won’t it be nice to have one bosom pink and the other silver?
And heffalump shaped…