That Archers Who's Who idea

Young, Martin, Useders.


Fruit picker or summat from Poland, inamorata of the Jazzer’n’Harry Komedy Duo. Summer 2011. Can’t remember whether either of them ever got anywhere with her.


Oi, I thought you didn’t listen, Hedgers!


Polish picker. Jazzer and Harry were rivals for her affections. There were Hilarious Consequences.

Actually, I think I may have written the entry…

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Back to the drawing board for me then. :cry: I knew it was all getting too easy.

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I was tempted to suggest having the animal “characters” too, but I can only think of Captain, Eccles and Midnight.


That is already under way; Nelson G keeps a “Who’s What” at Peet’s and has given me permission to use it on the website as and when. I am doing the people first, because the animals are being done by someone else. As I go along I am noting animals as they occur, with the date if I have one for them, and then I can add them in later if Nelson doesn’t yet have them.

For instance, in 1957 the otherwise unremarkable Debbie Glover gave a bulldog called Butch to Walter Gabriel. I know nothing more about the animal; maybe one day I will find out that it died, and if so when.


Ah, 2011. Ta. That explains it. Wasn’t listening regularly.

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Harry did, occasionally popping over to Poland to visit her before he remembered he had a BF.


Shows how osmosis can have an effect on me tiny birdly brain, dunnit?


Dunnock, shurely?


I’ve already done D… Might come under H for Hedge.

Elizabeth was almost interesting until I reached Lowfield; I wish they hadn’t called her Elizabeth in some entries and Lizzie in others, which means I am having a devil of a time searching for her down the years, and this century she always seems to be doing the same things: having either rows with people or trouble with her heart. Oh well.

I’d forgotten Debbie being Elizabeth’s main support after Cameron buzzed off and left her pregnant. Now there’s a friendship that Siobhán nearly managed to scupper, and Doc Locke looks like breaking for ever more unless Hew the Hyphen gets rid of him again.

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And I have got Elizabeth as far as the beginning of 2006, and she is very uphill work.


Ah, I only started listening properly in 2008. Do you think she has got better or worse since then? (Better confine your answer to a postcard, I don’t want to distract you from the Main Task.)


She has continued to be the same person; her only interests appear to be making trouble for or having a feud with one or more members of her family at any given time, and feeling sorry for herself if she doesn’t get her own way.


Bad fish: doing Elizabeth. I have got past Nigel’s Plunge, and found that I had written

… “and on 11th March had a hysterical attack over a missing bit of paperwork, followed by a panic attack which led to her being taken in to hospital because her heart had started to race. She was told that she needed a procedure done to fit a defibrillator under local anaesthetic, but she put it off until 17th March, and both David and her son Freddie were suitably guilty and each thought that it had been his fault that she had worked herself up into a life-threatening state in his absence. Result!”

It will have to be changed, but it does rather sum up her behaviour at that point, quite unable to notice that anyone had anything in their minds apart from her and her convenience, and inclined to hysterics if asked to stop working herself literally to death.


Just me being suggestive again…

Instead of using a selection of different programs for those of you compiling all of this information.

Why don’t you try using a freeware family tree program - I use Gramps(for my own family tree) but there are many others - and enter all of the information, into that.

There is ample space for the basic hatched/matched/despatched info. as well as for journalling info on the lives and a-doings of all of the characters. Photos of the cast members, too. If you like.

The added advantage is that you can read in existing text-files of info, without having to start all over again. You can even enter the info in a random character order and then adopt the character into the right part of the family (or leave them outside it), as and when.

You can also save the information out in GEDCOM form (exchangeable between most genealogy software), to update others working on different parts.

Feel free to shoot the idea down. It’s only a suggestion.


It’s a kind notion, but I am far enough into this solo project to feel that I don’t want to go back to the beginning and do it a completely different way, learning new programmes to do it with.

It’s not really about who is related, you see; it is all about what they have actually done in the programme, and that pretty-much has to be written out longhand rather than using any short-cuts.

But thank you for thinking of it!


That said, an up-to-date and functional family tree might not be a bad idea in itself.


That is certainly true. One with all of them on it with dates and such, as opposed to the partly-useful ones in various books, one of which at least has simply got the wrong people in the wrong relationships, with Elizabeth as the only child of Phil and Jill while Jack and Peggy’s children are Jennifer, Lilian, Tony, Shula, Kenton and David.

But being able to refer from one person to another and see their relationships will help.