Only if he was elected. There is no reason why an elected head of state should come from a particular class other than too many people believing that they really were “born to rule over us”. In a genuine democracy, why not President Sparrer?* We’ve done pretty well over here with our last three.
*Well, apart from the prospect of a certain other sparrer turning up and saying things like “Nice palace you got 'ere - shame if anyfing 'appened to it…”
To expand the argument: look at the people who get elected now. The monarch is the only thing that stops them giving themselves more and more pomp at other people’s expense.
I have a sort of ingrained mistrust of Presidents. Quite apart from Putin and Trump, I grew up with Amin and Taylor and Gaddafi and Mugabe about the place, and then there was Al-bashir and Zuma…
Our President was on the campaign trail years ago and decided to shake my hand
It was a wet day and I was choosing potatoes dug that morning complete with soil on em
So me with muddy paws and a president soon with mud all over his posh suit hands and face
Presumably you punched him. Tsk.
A post was merged into an existing topic: So, who wants to help … to frivol in the cellar?
I think this counts as politics.
While I was out shopping today I saw what may be the stupidest and most pointless “mark of respect” I have come across yet: a bus which had “Queen Elizabeth II 1926 – 2022” in the display-window at the front, instead of the route of the bus and its destination.
Why oh why oh why oh why?
You need to be seen to be publicly conforming, because Different is the Enemy.
Oh yeah, after all the environmental analyses came back “holy crap no”, fracking is great again.
Good grief, it’s the 30th anniversary of Black Wednesday.
And the 70th anniversary of the birth of Putin. Traditionally, it seems, his birthday is celebrated with a big bang, so that tradition was upheld quite well on the Kerch Bridge this morning; meanwhile in Helsinki they are holding an exhibition about dictators. It has histories and portraits of various dictators, including Putin, and their years of birth and death.
“The median lifetime of militant dictators proved to be seventy years, as shown in the pictures. Vladimir Putin is celebrating his seventieth birthday today, 7th October – his warranty is about to expire,” the organisers said in a statement.
Amen to that.
Soo xx
It must be very Bad Form to reply to oneself to state that one dare not contribute to this thread. Sorry.
{Wail, gnash,}
Soo xx
It is alarming watching the disaster in Westminster - a slow train wreck
{Gnash, Wail.}
Soo xx
We thought the clown Bojo was bad…
I wouldn’t have said it was all that slow…
Soo xx
Anything in particular, Bee, or just the ongoing omnishambles?
Mainly the fact that some of our close associates will not accept that they have brought us to this pretty pass and refuse to accept their culpability, Gus. I come here to silently scream.
Soo xxxx
Gin elsethread.
I am close to tears a lot of the time over the shite, & incandescent for the rest of the time.
Carinthia. xx