Will Pip get the blame?

Here’s hoping, but I fear that either it will be found to have nothing to do with the broken fence not being fixed or Pip will somehow manage to blame Ed for doing what he did or Josh for breaking the fence in the first place. As she’s a liar by omission, I wouldn’t be surprised if she became an outright liar and denied promising to fix the fence.

Anyhow, I hope there’s trouble ahead for the obnoxious one but fear it’s going to be another Non-Move.

Any thoughts? Predictions?


“The beating heart” can’t be allowed to get away with it … & if the new Editor has anything about them it’s time Peep got a seeing to of the other type for a change.

Will she outright lie… or watch on as confusion reigns ? Would she actually watch Ed or even Josh get blamed ? That would be extra specially naughty.

I think it will go that way until guilt makes he admit it.

I just hope it’s done with minimal actual SPEAKING by her as to me listening to Baisy Dadger is the aural equivalent of fingers down a blackboard.


Hard to choose between her and Ruth for appalling voices. However, unless they kill Ruth off, which I’d like but don’t think they will do it, we are stuck with her. Pip, on the other hand, could easily be shuffled off to work somewhere else for a few years as would be perfectly normal for a person her age. Then they could re-cast. They must realise Daisy Badger was a big mistake, surely.

Back to the blame game: Ed put the cows he found in the lane in with Adam’s new cattoo, didn’t he? I should go and listen again to check that. I can see it coming: ‘It’s not my fault, that’s sooo unfair.’ Actually we need the old Pip for that, she did it really well.


I thought it was an empty field? It’s impossible for one person to put stock into a field without the residents escaping. Besides, no-one, not even Ed would be so stupid as to mix farmers animals.


The mixed cows were the ones which had escaped into someone else’s field; I rather assumed it was a Bridge Farm field because Brookfield and Bridge Farm are next to each other, whereas Home Farm is at a bit of a distance and I thought hadn’t got any cows at the moment anyhow; they are waiting for Pip to do her herd manager thing again as far as I can make out.

Wonderpip sorted out her cows from the residents, and got them out through the gate – into the lane? Where they stood watching, eating popcorn and commenting on her technique, I assume, rather than milling away all over the place again.

Oh lord, am I going to have to listen again to find out what was meant to be going on? It sounded fairly like grade A nonsense the first time I heard it…


No need to LA; Lowfield confirms it:

> Toby is wakened by Pip. She needs urgent help to recover some cows which have got into Tony’s Angus herd.


So she left a fence between two herds of cattle unmended for several days. Silly little girl.

In fact it was from 15th February to 8th March; why had the cattle not been mingling for a week and more? Maybe they had, and she only just noticed! If they were the Herefords and the Anguses it’s quite possible, isn’t it?

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Marjorie, you make a very good point, as a townie I hadn’t considered that, so I went and listened again. Another thing I was wondering was could it have been the beef cattoo but it wasn’t, it was the cows.

Here’s what Pip said: “Some cows have got loose. They’re in one of Tony’s feeoods, all mixed up with the Anguses. We’ll have to separate them ou’.” (As opposed to separating them in, I suppose.)

Later on, Ed says, “I nearly ran into a bunch of your cows. … I stuck them in the nearest bit of pasture I could find … It’s Home Farm land with Adam’s new cattle.”

I listened twice, he definitely said ‘with’. Adam’s new cattle are for beef, aren’t they? What would the Brookfield cows think of that or vice-versa? And what, for that matter, did the Brookfield cows and Tony’s Anguses think about being mixed up and would the Angus bull have been with them? Not Otto, but they got another one, didn’t they. Anyway, I really don’t want Ed sharing any of the blame for this. But it sounds like it was an insane thing to do.

Joe, if you’re reading, it was rather more than the usual glorious mixture of dropped Ts and very clearly emphasized Ts. We had:

Toby, ge’ a move on!
Ge’ dressed!
That’s brillian’


ThaT’s where they goT ouT.
We’ve goT to geT them back before anyone notices.
I haven’t started yeT.

Why can’t she stick with one or the other and which is her natural way of speaking? I suspect she does do Ts really and the glottals and dropped final consonants are an affectation.


Well done for listening again Janie! Adam’s cattoo are clearly a very incurious lot not to have been up at the fence saying to the straying cows"what you doing?". When there are stock in our neighbour’s field they come over to stare at our pugs when they see them and they’re pretty teeny!


It sounds like a mad thing for Ed to do, doesn’t it? Unless it was very sloppy writing and it was in a field near or next to Adam’s cattoo. Gah! I can’t stand it if Ed gets the blame when he was trying to do Pip a favour and she is a lying little git. Could he really have been that stupid?


I don’t see how he could have put the cows in the field with Adam’s stock. Sloppy writing I imagine.

And the other daft thing is grass has only just started growing and there’s almost no stock in the fields; it’s still :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: mostly, beef and milk herds are inside. If they were out they’d be poaching the ground and trashing the grass. It’s all so implausible. Again.


Curiouser and curiouser.

What we now have is one part of the herd wandered off through a broken fence into Bridge Farm which is to the south of the village, while another part of the herd went off in another direction, to Home Farm, which is to the north-east of the village.

Anyone would think that these cattoo were trying to spread diseases as far as they possibly could.

There is a further minor mystery, which is how come Pip is trying to get the money for more cattle to keep at Home Farm if Adam has already got them?

And perhaps one more: how did Ed manage to get one lot of cattle into a field without some of the other lot coming out of it? I wouldn’t want to do that myself, because my experience is that cattle do not meekly go where they are bidden: dairy cows may, but young steers most emphatically do not, and isn’t that what Adam would have?


All that and: how come, if they strayed over into the feeyood with Tony’s Anguses, broaching that fence, the broken one, at the same time they ended up in the lane?


A lane that is nowhere near the other field they got into, at that.

Over-egged as usual, I fear.


She’s not going to get away with it is she? Alistair said ‘We may never know’. Surely that is a hint that we will know!


It would be nice to think so… but I’m not convinced. If it does come out, my bet is that it will be some considerable time hence that Ed unwittingly lets the cat out of the bag (or the coos into the field).


And now we have the ghastly Pip saying she’d like to get her hands on whoever brought the illness to Brookfield. Has it not occurred to the thick, self-absorbed little article (self-answering question) that however the Brookfield cows got it, thanks to her, the plague-ridden herd recently got mixed up with Tony’s Anguses, at the very least, and it sounded like Adam’s cattoo as well? I was longing for Tobes to say something, ‘Gosh, Pip, you don’t suppose there’ll be a problem with the Anguses as well, do you?’ Surely he could make himself useful for once!


I am hoping that Tony finds out and has a really thorough go at David about infecting his cattle without saying that it was Pip, and David still has no idea that Pip did it and just has to take it on the chin. Then Adam can find out from Ed that it was Pip who caused it, and only then David find out…

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Oh, I think I quite like that, but I’d nevertheless feel a bit sorry for poor old Dopey in the meantime. Still, it’d be worth it for the scales really to fall from his eyes about what a lying, cowardly piece of work his daughter is. I’d hope at the same time he would also realise that his duplicitous wife has always sided with her horrible daughter against him.


Except David, though he may find out it was Pip, will never lay into her. He’s too afraid of her AND of Ruth for that. Now … if he could blame Toe-bee somehow … whilst NOT p’g off the daughter he might go for it.