Close the window on your way out, Spadger. I don’t want mothses finding their way into the hive.
With special thoughts to Twellsy, good nights, all.
Soo xx
Close the window on your way out, Spadger. I don’t want mothses finding their way into the hive.
With special thoughts to Twellsy, good nights, all.
Soo xx
Especially not wax-moths.
Soo xxzz
Oh no!! Soo, who pulled yer legs orff? I’ll hunt the bastewards down and feed 'em their own kidneys while they are still awake to enjoy it!
Pitchers? Nightcaps? IV fluids? Anyone?
Wot can I say, Gus? They wait until I’m stocious and just pull me legs off. That’s why I’m sometimes rumoured to be legless. The very idea!
Soo xxzzzz
[pourity] forran Dehydrated Limpet.
[grateful gluppity]
Me too
Carinthia. xx
I’ve a need for Iv gin
Consider the Night Sparrer alerted via spadgephone. Poor Twellsy, are you at least in a bed?
…and they say the sparrer prowls the hospital corridors at night, lookin’ for an Twellsy to deliver gin to…
Oh bloody marvellous. Now we have WhirlyPlod.
We have one here too
Carinthia. xx
Arse! We’re rumbled, Darling.
Need you ask? Ta. Glup. Bottoms up!
Blegh. Mornin’ all.
nice nest friendly nest oo there’s some gin left at the bottom of this one zzz
I got a bed in just 8 hours
A defurb old ward
Lots of room a a window zo I have access for a ginsparrer
Good mornin’ tseep!
[pourity] [pourity] [pourity]
I do love our sparrer and the crate of gin ismost welcome
As is the rifle to keep the gnursies awy
Rifle? I threaten 'em wiv extra paperwork.