How much of the rice grain must be removed to make the highest-grade (Daiginjō-shu) sake?
Which 20th-century monarch was known as the Red Queen?
What is now on the site where the London Beer Flood of 1814 happened?
When or where was the spaghetti weevil eradicated?
The Galil ARM is equipped from the factory with a bipod, carrying handle, wire cutter and…?
Who was the last Whig prime minister?
Name any of the winners of the 2020 Tour de France (points, mountains, young rider, team, combativity, most stages)
There are over 350 named craters on the planet Mercury. What is the theme behind their naming?
What was the make of car used for the 2017 fuel economy world record journey from Land’s End to John o’Groats?
Of the 20 British entries to the Eurovision Song Contest in the 21st century, how many have failed to chart? (In the UK.) (Multiple choice: 2, 4, 6 or 8.)
(2, 6, 7 and 9 had no correct answers from the London mob I’ve just run this for.)
Well, I guessed 5 (Shows how my mind works!)
Are you including this year’s cancellation in 10? (It only came to my notice because of the unfortunately apposite title…)